Nov 8, 2009

A teeny little recap of some of the things that we did.

My mom & dad flew out this afternoon, but we'll see them again in two weeks! Can't wait, especially since white sand + 85° temperatures will be involved.

I like having my parents in town. My mom & I spent Wednesday afternoon at Kelsey's with some of my favorite friends making pies in a jar while my dad was at his lecture. We shopped around Union Square & ate a cookie that had carrots in it (I don't really believe in vegetables mixed with desserts, but my mother does). The fun part? Somehow, after so many of their visits to New York, they still hadn't been properly introduced to the staples - like NYC bagels, real pizza, black & white cookies (which I think are so-so), Pinkberry & the Hamptons. Shake Shack was a no-brainer, of course - & my dad ordered a triple chocolate custard (!!). We took advantage & I think I'll be detoxing tomorrow - a customary process post-visitors, I suppose, but I justify all of the eating with the fact that I walked approximately 6 miles on Thursday with them. I'm not kidding.

Sister Tara comes on Thursday night. Love it.

(PS, we'll ignore the fact that my jacket in photo #1 makes me look as big as a giant plaid house.)


Lindsey said...

fun visit, fun photos. love when i have family visitors and it looks like you guys had fun!

Jan said...

Thanks to you both for letting us stay with you for so long...It was a LOVELY visit, complete with just about everything possible to make for a perfect vacation. I love that you took so many pictures....just wish they didn't so accurately portray me as being so old looking. Bummer...such a good just can't fool it.

Jill said...

i have to say....i feel a little upset about you girls making those pies without me. i hope they were as delicious as the first time!

Elizabeth said...

So Beautiful! Mom said she had a great time the weather looked absolutely perfect.