Jan 25, 2010

10 Second Rule.

(Spotted first on Swiss Miss - "The 30-Second Rule, A Decision Tree" by Audrey Fukman & Andy Wright)


erin said...

need. need this. in my kitchen.

Kelsey said...

Please don't judge me...but I may have dropped a Donut Plant donut at Shake Shack on the dirt the other day. (you know right next to the table with the homeless man that we thought could possibly be dead) I picked it up and brushed it off. Then I ate it. Jill told me to, and I agreed. Don't worry, a group of people watched the whole thing and were snickering about my decision. Verdict: I didn't get sick and it still tasted delicious. I'm no germophob.

Liz Stanley said...

hi kathryn! randomly stumbled upon your blog. i used to be in the manhattan singles ward, am from a suburb of ny as well, and have since moved away. it looks like we know a lot of the same people, i wonder if we've met before. cute blog :) love following your adventures through my hometown. makes me homesick