Jan 29, 2010

Dear Utah, we're coming to visit you.

We're heading out to Zion from February 7th through the 16th for sister Joanna's nuptials (!!), with some extra time built in for mountain fun, etc. 

While neither of us are from there, Mike & I both went to BYU (& fell in love + got engaged there) & think it's fun to visit our old stomping grounds - you know, the obligatory visits to Cafe Rio, the distribution center & Sundance. But we're not there very often, & we have a lot of time this trip, so I need some new ideas. Places to eat, shop, visit, etc. Internet, do you have any ideas? Cute new boutiques in Salt Lake / Provo? The best cupcake in the valley?

(Also - if anyone is up for photos or other sorts of revelry, call me! Email me! My camera bag is coming with me.)

PS: Mike has worked late every night this week. This would have been fine last night, given the prolific number of amazing TV shows on Thursday nights, but last night? EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. was a re-run. Every single one. The result? A new header. I guess I like apples. Well, actually, not really, unless they're baked. I don't like cold ones, but I do live in one. A big one. Anyway. I'm so fancy (um, no).


Mindy said...

FUN! I'm going to be in SLC from the 12th through the 15th for my niece's baptism. Family photos? It would be so great to see you there!

erin said...

three little words: ogden the dogden. right up your alley. but i'll help you find cupcakes... count me in.

Jill said...

oh fun! hmm, i always like to look around the sundance general store, their jewelry is the best. and my sister's friend i guess has a little bakery in south provo called "the sweet tooth fairy". never actually had anything from there, but it would be fun to check out! and i love Gardner Village, and eating at Archibalds. their fried green tomatoes are delightful.

mb said...

Food...Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe is now open in Provo...get their mexican chocolate frappe and a cupcake. They first started in Rexburg, I used to cut the owner's hair back in the day. Tasty stuff.

mb said...

*tasty cupcakes not the hair

caitlin and brinton said...

Hey Kathryn - I've heard in Provo that these two restaurants are good www.bluelemonutah.com and www.communalrestaurant.blogspot.com. In Salt Lake if you like Mexican food you have to try www.rediguana.com or www.blueiguanarestaurant.net - they're the two best. As far as cupcakes go my favorite in Salt Lake are www.mini-cupcakes.com, www.socupcake.com and www.gourmandies.com. Also stop by www.spoonme.com for yummy frozen yogurt with fruit - it's connected to a Cafe Rio in Salt Lake.

How much do you charge for pictures?

ellen said...

Not sure you are into fabric but Utah's got some cool stores. I've heard Flour Girls and Dough Boys in American Fork is a good place to eat. Don't forget to get a mint brownie at the BYU Creamery.

Jordan and Jandee said...

Hi Kathryn, you don't know me, but thought I'd throw in my two cents anyway. If you get a chance to eat at Pizzeria 713 --in Orem-- (the owners also started Communal that someone else mentioned above....they are former Sundance chefs and know their stuff), its amazing. Also NYC is hard to compete with for culture, but Ballet West is doing Swan Lake in Salt Lake at the that time, and I've seen both NYC Ballet & Ballet West do this ballet and it was equally beautiful/breathtaking/wonderful.

Celine said...

I'll second the comment above and definitely recommend Pizzeria 712 (it's 712, not 713) in Orem. I had heard a lot of good things about it from several friends so we tried it when we went to Utah last November and we loved it.

Unknown said...

I like:

Snake Creek Grill (midway)
Les Madeleines (SLC)
Grappa (Park City)
and recently read about The Paris Bistro in Sunset mag? (SLC)
Wahso (PC) is also supposed to be great Asian.

Fun! (We'll be there at the same time.)

Angie said...

Re: Jordan and Jandee:

It's actually PIzzeria 712, and yes, it is very good.

Maybe check out cjaneprovo.blogspot.com. It's Courtney Kendrick (Stephanie Nielson's sister)'s blog all about Provo and things to do there. Love or hate Courtney's wordy writing style, her suggestions on what to do in Utah Valley sound really great and actually make me see Provo in a whole new light: as somewhere you might actually want to hang out. Every week she posts a weekend date idea, which usually involves three or four destinations of places to eat, places for dessert, and some cool activity or cultural thing going on. Actually a lot of the restaurants mentioned above are among the places Courtney recommends. Check it out for some ideas!

Emily Kate said...

Design Sponge had a "City Guide" for SLC full of lots of my favorite places to visit/eat/shop/ etc. These days SLC has so much to do. (We all know it's no New York, but they really can't even be compared!)

Jan said...

Look at all you stirred up! Keep the ideas coming girls!

di said...
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di said...

i will tell you the secret little chinese place my parents go for hot-pot. :) it is delish...and a little hidden gem.

and as for Park City - please go see Thomas Mangelsen's gallery...he will provide you with some new perspectives with that photo talent of yours! and the Grappa - yum. dan and i went there the night of our engagement - after celebrating Purim at the Jewish Synagogue there in PC.

Jamie said...

If you are near Park City, eat at Maxwells. It is the best pizza I have ever had!

Jennifer said...

I'm laughing a little bit at this. Is that mean?

Jennifer said...

But. To be fair. I live in lame Sacramento. Nothing to do here either.

Suzi said...

eat at ben's cookies at the gateway. only ben's cookies in the us and sooo delicious. we fell in love with them on our london trip.

Jeanne said...

You could pick up Grandma Grow and go across the street to Maglebee's Fresh... she's always so delighted to have something different from the food in the center and likes Maglebee's, especially the breadsticks and salads. And I'm sure she'd love to see you!
Have a great trip, and congrats to Joanna!

Heidi said...

Gosh I still consider myself a native and I don't know any of these places! I guess I haven't lived in Utah for over five years. I may have to make my own to do list from the suggestions above.