I did something today that I've never, ever done before. Ever.
I went to Costco. Alone. With my very own, brand new card. In Manhattan (!!).
I've never, ever done this before. Always with Mike's family in New Canaan, or friends this fall in Manhattan after it opened (I should mention here that a Costco in Manhattan is nothing short of a miracle - it's amazing). I actually felt quite proud of myself & immediately added it to the "I guess I'm really an adult" list of accomplishments. I suppose I'm growing up*, one little step at a time**.
*Confession: Then I went & ate Donut Pub donuts for dinner with Suzi on her couch while our husbands kept the world of financial services afloat. Being an adult also means that I get to make my own decisions regarding my meal choices. Good times.
**I should also probably mention that I've killed off all of my plants. All of them. After 5 years, they're all dead. Oops.
**I should also probably mention that I've killed off all of my plants. All of them. After 5 years, they're all dead. Oops.
I had cupcakes for dinner. Good job on the Costco run. I HATE going and have finally narrowed down our Costco list to about six things, so we don't have to go that often.
Where and how did they do it in Manhattan?
welcome to adulthood! let me know how it turns out!
J, they built it up in Harlem - at 116th Street, right up against the river on the east side. It's actually kind of amazing. We just got our first Michael's, too (on the West side). Manhattan is turning into total suburbia. Target is coming this spring, I think. Amazing.
We would spend hundreds & hundreds of dollars on toilet paper were it not for Costco. Love the massive packages of Charmin Ultra. We believe in quality toilet paper. It's worth the trip alone.
(And the Costco brand face wipes. And the dried mangos & berries. And frozen chicken. And the fresh taquitos for parties. And cheese. Organic milk. Hmm. That's about it. There's only two of us. We have simple needs.)
well done on the costco trip! don't forget that frozen garlic chicken/veggies dinner you bought. you girls should have had that for dinner :) (although i probably would have gone with the donuts too)
The lion's share of my dinner last night consisted of Life cereal and Fruit Loops. And I've never kept a single plant alive.
My husband and kid seem to be doing OK, though, so I guess it all evens out in the end?
How do you get all that stuff home?? Or are you not that far? What are the face wipes?
Cool photo too!
Missy, there is always a line of black cars (car service - like a taxi) outside. They take me home, help me to my door, & my doorman helps me to my door. It works out just fine. :)
Oh - & the face wipes are awesome. Kirtland brand. Like the Neutrogena ones, but so much less expensive. I use them at night to clean my face. So good for traveling, too.
Awesome. That makes the adult experience so much more right? Getting a car service home from Costco. Wish they had that by me too! A Target in NYC really will just complete your suburbia experience. You will never have to leave the city.
Those would be perfect for beach camping too! I will have to try some.
Whoa!!! I had no idea they had a Costco in Manhattan...when we lived in the city i don't think there was one! ...grocery shopping in general was a shock...coming from Vegas...ahhhh...fun times! ;)
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