We're staying with (Mike's) Grandma Lora in Mapleton while we're here in Utah. She's one of those no-nonsense salt of the earth people, & I just love her. We sit together in the morning, eating our cheerios & drinking our juice, & we talk about life. Meanwhile, THOSE MOUNTAINS are right outside of the window. I like it.
I got in late Sunday night. Mike has been busy snowboarding (& working) & I've been busy seeing friends (in SLC & Park City) & spending time with my family that is here for the wedding. The final few come tomorrow & Thursday - the first time we've all been together in several years - & official wedding festivities kicking off on Friday. Fun.
(For the record - Pizza 712. Hmm. We thought it was okay. Sorry to everyone who is obsessed with it. Red Iguana was really amazing. Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcakes were a delicious treat this afternoon [we sampled a half-dozen] & I think I'll go back for seconds before I leave, especially the Strawberry Shortcake & VaNIElla varieties. Guru's sweet potato fries made me really happy. Thanks so much for all of your suggestions, friends. We're slowly but surely making our way through the list.)
Hey Kathryn! Funny little thing, I just noticed Joanna's invite on my in-laws fridge. Apparently my bro-in-law (Dave) is best buds with you're new bro-in-law. Small world eh?
Good luck today! I hope it as beautiful as ever. Can't wait to see some pics.
Where are you? Did Utah kidnap you? Come back.
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