Feb 23, 2010

Looks like rain.

It's pouring rain today. The forecast tomorrow? Rain. Thursday calls for, oh look!! Rain. And Friday? MORE. RAIN (maybe snow). 

Rain makes me feel a little grey.


Mary Elizabeth Liberty said...

such a cute pic~ those accessories have got to make you feel a bit better about the weather

mb said...

Stupid rain. I found out my rain boots need to be retired when I got to work this morning with my right foot completely soaked. UGH. Where is Spring?

Lindsey said...

sounds like london. a the weekly forecast is depressing me. it's rain non-stop. so over it.

Emily said...

At least you have super cute wellies to stomp in puddles with. :) Your sister's wedding looked just gorgeous; congratulations!

Jan said...

We've got the same thing here -The soft rain started this morning and will continue on for the rest of the week. I have to say I kind of like it. Nature's bath after winter.

Meg said...

Love this photo!

kado! said...

looks like we are gonna get quite a bit of snow now! I'm hoping for a snow-day tomorrow!!!!!