Love these flowers from the floating flower market. So happy & fresh! I didn't edit a thing. Those colors!
I'm home! Mike isn't quite yet - He spent last night in The Hague after a client meeting, & is in Brussels today for another (I'm jealous). He flies home tonight & I can't wait. I don't like flying trans-Atlantic without him.
We loved Amsterdam! Loved, loved, loved it. Great trip. So fun. The weather treated us well, as did the food, the people, & the sights. Baby was well behaved in my belly, & I didn't throw up (or really even want to, thanks to the now-constant presence of Life Savers in my mouth) for 3 days straight. Sweet relief! Then yesterday:
Left Amsterdam on a 2pm flight.
Got delayed by over an hour thanks to a medical emergency with an elderly man right before we were supposed to take off.
Watched three (no, four!) movies in flight & ate really, really bad Dutch airplane food (think some sort of rice dish with some sort of beef stew on top + a salad with dried meat & fruit [didn't touch that] - a truly bad decision to eat it, but thanks for the effort KLM).
(Queasy, but not enough to throw up in an airplane bathroom - gross.)
Breezed through customs, waited a lifetime for my bag, went through immigration & got in my 187th place in a cab line.
(More queasiness. Worrisome. Uh oh.)
Finally got in a cab.
(Stomach acids started coming dangerously up my throat.)
Focused, focused, focused so I wouldn't throw up on one of my two bag options: My camera bag (no) or my borrowed suitcase (no).
Finally made it into my apartment, flipped on the lights, ripped off my coat, threw down my bag, put my hair in a ponytail & threw up my stomach contents for the day. Sorry blog. It's the truth, & it wasn't my prettiest moment.
Wiped the mascara off my face + cheeks (you know, puke tears), brushed my teeth, grabbed a granola bar & met Erin on the subway platform at 77th Street approximately 12 minutes after I had gotten out of my cab after 9 hours on an airplane & 1 hour in a cab.
Went to a Regina Spektor concert at The Fillmore until midnight. It was so completely worth it - just amazing, & totally justified leaving Europe one day early.
I feel much better now.
More Amsterdam (+ Regina!) photos + details soon.
that photograph is amazing. and 100% more so because it's not edited!
sorry about the queasiness -- hope you're feeling all better now!
blech! you poor lady. you really are a trooper. airplane food throws me over the edge too.
I am so happy you made it the entire trip without throwing up. Hooray. Lifesavers are the best. I carried a 1 gallon ziploc bag in my purse for situations in taxis and on trains. You can be surprisingly discreet when throwing up inside your purse, then you just throw the ziploc away in the nearest garbage can-- TMI?
i love the picture! stunning! can't wait to see more... :)
poor you. i hope this baby knows his/her mom is a trooper!
Have I (has anyone?) told you about peppermint? I was going to and maybe this is a repeat but REAL peppermint oil can really help with nausea. I carried around a tin of altoids and smelled them or ate them for those queasy moments. (So basically my pregnancy.) Maybe that's what your lifesavers were for? Hope you feel better soon.
Glad you saw flowers, found Stroopwafels (p.s. they sell them at T.Joes and Costco) and rode canal boats. You hit all my favorites!
Thanks K. I've heard that before, but unless it's herbal tea (which you're supposed to use minimally), I can't really do minty things (synthetic or real), which is why I've gone for fruity things like Life Savers or Vitamin C drops. Even gum - can't stand it. So strange!
blowing chunks. you fully understand that term now, i'm sure.
Aww Kathryn, I'm really feeling for you. I'm beyond amazed that you managed to hold it in through the plane ride, and through the wait for your cab, and the whole ride home. I'm seriously so impressed! I'm hoping that it won't be long before you're not feeling so sick all the time.
Well at least there wasn't any queasiness to ruin your trip. It sounds like you had a fantastic time. I'm loving the pictures that you've posted so far- so, so pretty! I'm dying to see more.
reading that stressed me out. im glad you made it back in time for that concert, it would have been sad for you to miss it. and i can't wait to see more pics from Amsterdam. hurry!
I'm dying at your attempt to NOT throw up until you were in a safe and clean environment. I threw up in a plastic bag in a cab ride to JFK when I was 12 weeks pregnant with Caleb. Those cab rides are the worst.
Can't wait to see your photos from Amsterdam! And I still can't believe you went there/were just there.
lifesavers save me, too. and orange tic tacs. and sometimes those sweet/sour candies that i can't find here in mexico...
I've never thought of lifesavers. Why not? Orange lifesavers?! That would be perfection with morning sickness. Good find.
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