Mar 2, 2010


I love grapes. Red ones, especially. These little lovelies were the perfect afternoon snack today.

And I love Costco, for allowing me to buy said grapes in bulk for 1/3000th of the price of my friendly neighborhood grocery store. 

Manhattan is a happier place with Costco. 


Unknown said...

I agree, but the last three times I've been to Costco they either didn't have red grapes, or the red grapes were mushy and really sour. I'm ready for spring/summer fruit.

Morgan said...

Grapes just so happen to be one of the three fruits that I actually eat. I love grapes! I'm happy to see that someone took the time to take picture of them and give them the respect that they deserve.

k. said...

Emma, my batch (from yesterday) are PERFECT. Maybe it's grape season??

Tara Edwards said...

There is noting as yummy as Costcos geneticaly enginered fruit. I particularly love their huge Fuji apples and ginormica strawberries. Yummy!

Missy said...

It's that somehow Costco gets them to be the perfect crunch to them. Crunch is not the right word, but when they are cold it is the perfect pop in your mouth.

obviously I share your red grape love.

Jennifer said...

Our Costco list has about three items on it--red grapes, chicken nuggets, and saline solution. Totally worth the trip.

kado! said... red grapes! (i always call the purple ones though...ha!)

Elizabeth said...

I love grapes too.. especially frozen ones..