Apr 19, 2010

Sometimes, I really miss a proper sandwich.

Mike told me on Saturday that I make the best sandwiches in the entire world. I'm not sure what I do that is so revolutionary, but every time I make a sandwich he tells me this. It's been this way ever since we got married, & it makes me oddly happy. Me! The best! At cooking! I love making him happy, even if it's just from food. 

There is a somewhat massive list of foods you're supposed to avoid when pregnant. The fish guidelines drive me a little batty, & since I'm such a big seafood fan, I keep a list in my Blackberry. But really, it's mostly all common sense (avoid unpasteurized cheese & juice, for example), but some of it makes me really sad (sushi). Other things - they're just sort of tricky & a sacrifice. Like lunchmeat (what am I supposed to eat for lunch when I can't eat lettuce?!), soft-serve ice cream & Diet Coke - although I've appreciated the reason to quit on the last. My sandwiches these days consist of cheese + bread. I am bored of cheese + bread, but with a desire to avoid listeria at all costs, I'm being obedient. Someday Baby will appreciate this. I hope.

(Although now that I think about it - I ate a pastrami sandwich [very fresh & from a reputable shop] about, oh, one day after finding out I was pregnant. And I had a real Coke on my flight home from Amsterdam because I had such a bad headache & nothing to take. Otherwise - obedient.) 

There is a Whole Foods right around the corner from the hospital where I'm delivering, & Shake Shack is within walking distance. I've already come to the conclusion that Sushi, sandwiches & burgers (with red & green vegetables, I hope!) will make up my meals immediately post-baby. May - June - July - August - September. Almost there! Gulp. 


Jan said...

Aren't the little Clementines this year just the best? And any sandwich with red onions is a notch up in my book. We've become fans of Dave's Killer Bread(almost any variety) A great bread helps to make the simplest fare even better. I think that Mike partly loves your delicious sandwiches because when you make them for him, he feels cared for. It's a love language thing, don't you think? :)

Jill said...

You are killing me with these food restrictions :) And you do make one heck of a sandwich. When can we do pioneer womans fav sandwich again?

Heidi said...

I'm currently off chocolate and milk- which is killing me, but they don't bode well for nursing (at least with my children).

I ate delicious deli turkey my entire pregnancy (both times). That is one thing I had no idea was off limits.

I am going to make your strawberry Lemonade bars this weekend. Just the name sounds so springy and delicious.

k. said...

My doctor is very conservative, but very good. :)

(And I had a strawberry lemonade bar for lunch!)

laurel said...

Soft serve ice cream...is that a new restriction in the last 2 years? Never heard of it!

k. said...

L, it's all about listeria. Builds up in the machines or something...

erin said...

come over and let's make these deli meat alternatives:

blt&a(vocado) sandwiches (sans the L, of course).

homemade chicken salad sandwiches. cooked chicken breast - shredded, mayonnaise, lots of fresh ground pepper, celery, red grapes. on homemade toasted bread.

thanksgiving sandwiches. turkey leftovers (from a good sunday dinner, not deli turkey), cream cheese and cranberry sauce. sounds weird, i know, but there are so delicious. and they would be amazing on those soft, sweet hawaiian rolls from coscto. perfect picnic sandwich. let's make them tomorrow.

and vegetarian sandwiches with pesto are divine. try it.

laurel said...

aaaah, interesting. Congrats on the BOY!

Tara said...

I just had an idea! How about a "leftover Pioneer Woman Cooks Pot Roast" sandwich? You could heat up the meat first, and then pile on the tomatoes and swiss cheese! Yum!

Unknown said...

did your doctor mention heating up the deli meat (in the microwave) to kill the listeria and then cooling it off again in a separate container? I wouldn't play around with listeria either, but I've heard that's a trusted way to do it. (the soft cheese is what was the hardest for me!)

it sounds like you need a panini maker. that would open up dozens of more options...

k. said...
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k. said...

Yup, I've heard that before Kelli - & I'm sure it's a good option. I just haven't done it (because nitrates in processed meat are something to be cautious about too, right? although I'm likely way over-cautious, & we have great delis that have fresh meat without nitrates I'm sure). And a panini! Great idea. We have a press, so I should do that... mozzarella & basil (still can't do lettuce or tomato, boo).

Lula. said...

The no-no lists are good. But YOU are the mom. Trust yourself instead of all that hype out there. Perfectly healthy babies are delivered to drug addicted mothers all the time. (I'll step off the soap box now.)