5 Weeks Pregnant
*Highlight: Throwing up on the very day that I missed my period & not stopping for 4 months. Lovely.

8 Weeks Pregnant
*Highlight: Being in Utah for sister Joanna's wedding, surrounded by family & friends who probably shouldn't have known that I was pregnant, but did - thanks to the fact that I threw up a thousand times & couldn't stay awake for longer than 4 hours at a time.

11 Weeks Pregnant
*Highlight: I thought that I was showing. Ha! Highlight #2: Final round interviews for a job, slamming saltine crackers, grapes & juice down my throat in between interviews so I wouldn't a) pass out or b) throw up.

11 Week Ultrasound
Highlight: Legs! Arms! Still looked like a lima bean though.

12 Weeks Pregnant
Highlight: 1st "good" hospital ultrasound + hearing the heartbeat for the first time.

14 Weeks Pregnant
*Highlight: Amsterdam!

16 Weeks Pregnant
*Highlight: Washington DC with all of my cute & skinny friends & feeling like I was starting to explode.

18 Weeks Pregnant
*Highlight: It's a boy! For me & for friend Amy (who is due the exact same day as Baby Boy Whiting).

(Almost) 18 Weeks
*Highlight: No actual throwing up.

18 (1/2) Weeks Pregnant
*Highlight: Progress! Looking in the mirror & finally feeling like I look pregnant & not just chubby - & thinking that it needed to be self-documented right then & there. Fairly certain that this is the week where Mike hugged me, jumped back & said "Whoa!".

20 Weeks Pregnant (& right after dinner!)
*Feeling Baby Boy wiggle every day. Having two people offer their seats to me on the subway (finally!). Celebrating 5 years with JMW. Waking up in the morning & feeling much more of a pronounced "pop". Love it all!
20 more weeks. Really?! That's it?! 20 weeks. All I need to do between now & then is finalize the lease for our new apartment (the negotiations continue!), finish up the consulting project I'm still working on (that might just continue...), pack up my entire apartment & move into a new one less than a half mile away, get my heart broken saying goodbye to dear friends leaving NYC this spring, putting myself back together enough to leave for St. Martin that same week, come back for a few weeks & then head to Washington + Priest Lake for a few weeks, come home, finish planning for + decorate a nursery, order my stroller, figure out what car seat / bouncer / breast pump I want, buy a bazillion baby things I probably don't even know that I need yet, survive the extreme humidity of a NYC summer while being 7 & 8 & 9 months pregnant, go on some car-only weekend getaways with my husband + friends, spend lots of Sundays in the park, finish building a fully-functioning human being, & figure out how to be a mother.
It kind of blows my mind.
or how about leaving the city and your nearest and dearest, moving into your parents' basement and having to watch your friends move on with their lives and have sweet babies you won't ever see. add 'drop kick erin's heart down the stairs,' to your list, why don't you.
i love this. and that you have document your pregnancy so well! i really love your amsterdam outfit... like i just want everything you're wearing including that cute scarf.
i love all these photos! what wonderful documentation!!!
second trimesters are the best. You look so good - I'm sure you'll be a darling full term pregnancy type of gal. :)
I love that last pic of your belly and the lovely flowers. really lovely flowers!
Ah,another one of my favourite-ever of your posts! I loved this. I love your pictures, I love your feelings on everything. I cannot even believe you are now halfway through! It feels like you only just announced your pregnancy! And the home stretch goes so fast, especially with you being so busy! Isn't it funny to count your life in weeks?!
You look beautiful, by the way.
you look adorable in all of these pictures!
Way to document! Before you know it baby boy Whiting will be here. The busy summer plans will make everything fly by. Can't wait to meet the little guy!
You look beautiful Kathryn! I'm so excited for you. :)
This was fun to read. And you still seem so little to me even halfway there.
You have so much going on in the next few months! One reason I love September babies...it gives you something to look forward to at the close of summer.
i love seeing this all in one post. fantastic.
Amazing. Seriously. And you look adorable.
yes, if only to stay that little at the half way mark! you're so good at documenting-- and look so great + happy.
pregnancy looks lovely on you.
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