May 16, 2010


There are few things better than having most of your nearest & dearest at the same table at the same time. 

Brunch on Saturday was fun. And I cried. Because I have the nicest friends & I love them THIS MUCH.

(And I love, love Norma's. Best brunch in the city, hands down. I'm thinking next week wouldn't be too soon to go again [once, we went three times in one month - oops]. Oh, & B List celebrity sighting of the day was Lance Bass + boyfriend & his friend Jamie Lynn Sigler sitting next to us. Lance's hair is completely ridiculous).


Jennifer said...

Cute girls! And you all have such fabulous shoes.

Hey--your sidebar isn't loading. It's gone--all of it. Maybe it's me? But it's not loading on my desktop OR my laptop.

k. said...

Yeah, the blog is totally on the fritz. Photos won't load correctly, my sidebar ended up on the bottom, etc. etc... So I deleted all of it. And I have to do it ALL. OVER. AGAIN. Maybe later. :)

Jan said...

What darling friends you have! Look at them - just the prettiest group of young women ever. They all just glow. All of you are SO lucky to have such a bond....forever friends are the best.

Missy said...

you girls are all so pretty! I noticed the shoes too:)

Jill said...

i love you girls + i love norma.

mb + i didn't get the gold shoe memo. :)

erin said...

aw. i'm glad this picture turned out. much love to you all.

mb said...

we did not get the gold shoe memo. I also didn't get the memo that I looked so awkward there on the end. Oh well. Such is life.