Yesterday was a good day.
We woke up at a decent hour so that Mike could go to the gym. I say Mike because my NYSC membership has been frozen since about week number 8 of pregnancy, after I lasted about 6 minutes in the weight room before running into the bathroom to throw up. I haven't been able to stomach going back since, although given my routine of walking several miles (at least) a day, I'm feeling okay my fitness & I'll happily accept my 10 pound weight gain. I was chubbier my sophomore year of college after a spring term of eating nothing but Beto's breakfast burritos, & I promise that I have big plans of going back to the gym in mid-July once our major travels are over.
Mike got back from the gym, we hopped in a cab, & zoomed up to Costco (!!) on 116th Street. I still love that we have a Costco in Manhattan, & a soon to be Target (amazing). Pretty soon, we'll have strip malls & really bad chain restaurants on every corner.
(Side note: Suzi & I went out to New Jersey on Thursday & took advantage of Target, a crowd-free Trader Joe's (Will ran in & immediately yelled, WOW!!), & eventually, Cheesecake Factory for several hours. As we were driving up 3rd Avenue, I told Suzi that in three years of friendship, this was the first time we'd ever been in a CAR together. Not a cab, but a real car. Funny.)
We then spent the next hour staring at various televisions with Mike asking questions like, What contrast do you prefer? Which has a brighter picture? Can you see the blur after the fast motion? Is this technology more important, or is this? with me answering with a blank expression & nothing additive whatsoever to contribute to the decision making progress. I finally told him to buy whatever TV he wanted as long as it wasn't the 55" monstrosity he was eyeing, & that me going television shopping with him felt about as painful as it would for him to tag along to B&H with me &, where I would convince him that completing my collection of the Holy Trinity of L-series Canon lenses is absolutely & completely necessary. He allowed me to dismiss myself & go wander the aisles after that (I picked up this & this cookbook along the way).
Afterwards - to a tag sale / street fair / youth fundraiser put on by our church. Ada, Corinne & I listened to Kyle's band play for a bit. The mostly-Mormon crowd was pretty rowdy, hyped up on their hot dogs, rootbeer & homemade baked goods.
Then, photos at the hospital of Emma's twelve hour old Baby Hyrum who made a little bit of an early debut Friday night. He's perfect.
Next - Up to Morningside Heights for family photos of the Skousens, a week before their NYC exodus.
Then, my shutter finger started to really hurt, & my left pinkey, too (from holding my camera + 70-200mm lens for so long - heavy, heavy but oh so worth it).
Finally - to Michael's (as in the craft store - another Manhattan newcomer) for some frames, then to Shake Shack FOR THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK (stop your judgement right this very second) to meet Mike for a quick dinner + red velvet custard that made me very happy. Still - we're not going to be eating red meat again for a few weeks.
I was asleep by 10pm, but that was way better than my 8pm bedtime on Friday night, after getting to play with Evelyn all day while her baby brother was being born. I quickly learned that keeping up my normal all over the city routine with a 2 1/2 year old is very, very hard & that I've made a very good decision regarding my upcoming really-easy-to-push stroller purchase. I was in the middle of what I affectionately call the Damn Ramble in Central Park when I finally had to stop & take a break from all of those hills. Evelyn: Kathryn, what are we doing? Kathryn: We're resting. Evelyn: How come? Kathryn: We're very, very tired. Have I mentioned I hate The Ramble? As pretty as it is, I do. Especially with an umbrella stroller, a toddler & just a smidgen short of 23 weeks of pregnancy.

Holy busy
You seriously went non-stop. Thanks for hoofing all the way up to us.
sounds like a great Saturday! that photo of Jill and her little family is my favorite.
i loathe looking at televisions. i think it's on of your brother's favorite things to do.
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