* Mike & Harrison on the kayak *

* Third trimester! 28 Weeks (whoa) & Baby Boy is making his presence much more known *

* Reese *

* Haidyn helped me lay out the pieces for Baby Boy's quilt & had lots of opinions on what should go where *

* So happy with how the 11 different fabrics look together *

* Harrison: Take a picture of my muscles!! *

* Mike smitten by Baby Reese *

* Hudson spots a boat *

* One missed flight + one day later, he finally arrived! Happy *

* Grandma takes the grandkids on lots & lots of kayak rides, singing the paddling song as they go *

* Haidyn's first trip in the open water *
One of the funniest things that has happened was Harrison (4) asking me lots of questions about Baby Boy, including how I was going to get him out. Tara quickly came to the rescue & said At the hospital! The doctor will take him out! Of course. While I was totally flustered, Tara of course completely satisfied her curious son with her simple, no-nonsense & totally true response. Phew.
I've had two huckleberry shakes since I got here. One at The Ram (a little burger joint on the way up to the lake - not the finest establishment, but they always have huckleberries), & one at Indian Creek down on the lake yesterday. Yum. I made Kelsey's Fudge Brownies (she's a genius) our first night at the cabin. Everyone loved them. And Christopher made his lemon bars (the best) the other night, with a huckleberry sauce over the top. I need to compile all of our favorite recipes & put them up on Wire Whisk when I'm back. We've eaten very, very well. And slept well. And just relaxed. It's nice.
Sounds perfect! Can I come next year? :)
And your photos - love them! What lens are you using again?
huckleberry shakes sound like something i could really get into. though i've never had one, i'm now craving one something fierce. and also, these are just the most beautiful, peaceful pictures. i'd like a sunset over water, please.
Lindsey, I use three - the 24-70mm f/2.8L, 70-200mm f/2.8L & a 50mm f/1.4. All Canon, on my 5D Mark II. I've used all three lenses pretty regularly this week. Its nice to having to CARRY them. :)
Noelle - I'll send Erin home with a jar of huckleberry jam for you for when you guys run together this fall. Huckleberries are heaven!
*not having to carry them. Oops.
Seriously, I'm showing Devin your blog for reasons we need to own a "lake home" someday. These look so so relaxing and just good times for a family.
Can't WAIT to see the quilt - LOVE the fabrics you chose!!!
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