Jul 6, 2010

Baby Boy turns 29 weeks @ Priest Lake.

Wiggles a lot & kicks me often (got my first swift one in the ribs the other day).

Wakes me up at night. Just our time, which is kind of fun.

Taught me all about where my sciatic nerve was the other day, with no issues since - thankfully.

Is getting lots of attention from his cousins who want him desperately to come out & play & be finished growing.

I'm reading Baby Wise & Happiest Baby on the Block this week. Any other suggestions on how to learn how to be a mama? 


molly said...

I am not a huge fan of baby wise. But that's because I like to nurse on demand and will not let my newborn cry himself to sleep. But to each her own. There really is not one "right" way. LOVE Happiest Baby on the Block. Seriously the five "S's" are a must and I say swaddle swaddle swaddle! My favorite sleep book is Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child.

I am pregnant with my third boy and am just a few weeks behind you. Good luck!

k. said...

Its on my list, Molly! Actually, its already on my bookshelf. The healthy / happy book. I'm reading all three then seeing what's best. So much information, and every friend + sister has a different (+ very strong!) Opinion on what worked best for them. So crazy.

Good luck with #3! I'm starting with 1 & then seeing how I do. :)

k. said...

Its on my list, Molly! Actually, its already on my bookshelf. The healthy / happy book. I'm reading all three then seeing what's best. So much information, and every friend + sister has a different (+ very strong!) Opinion on what worked best for them. So crazy.

Good luck with #3! I'm starting with 1 & then seeing how I do. :)

molly said...

You'll find what works best for you and then one day be the one offering advice. And yes, as mothers, we all have our *strong* opinions on what works best. You will find a rhythm that works best for you and baby boy.

I started with one too and we love boys so much we are doing it a third time ;) Have fun!

jocelyn said...

i've never read it (so it's a little ridiculous to recommend it), but i know a lot of people who swear by the baby whisperer. i read babywise and was very glad i did. i feel like getting lucy on a schedule saved my sanity. but i agree with molly, different things work for different babies/moms, and you will definitely know what works best for your baby/you.

ps- if you decide babywise is for you, you should check out this blog: http://www.babywisemom.com
she's a little too hardcore with it for my taste, but i have used some of her advice on certain topics.

pps- you are tiny and look great.