Jul 19, 2010


I think I had the worst night sleep of my pregnancy last night. I wasn't tired until after midnight, & couldn't fall asleep until almost 3am - which meant that I was barely awake + lucid for the call I had at 8am. Not fun. 

Baby Boy decided to do gymnastics all night long, & laying on my back isn't really working any more (I love, love sleeping on my back). It hurt to sleep on both sides. My beloved body pillow was providing minimal comfort in my time of need. I felt nauseous. I was restless, but exhausted. Ugh. 

I never sleep well when Mike is gone. 

So instead of sleeping, I grabbed my phone & read everything that looked remotely interesting in The New York Times. I spent way too much time on Facebook (people say really inappropriate things on Facebook, I think). I made lists. I turned up the AC. I turned it down when I was freezing.

And then I finally fell asleep, but apparently not before throwing every single pillow on the floor & tossing off all of the sheets. 


Jill said...

i hated nights while pregnant. mainly bc my sinuses go crazy while pregnant, and i have to pee every hour. i'm sorry. it will be all over soon.

Jordan and Jandee said...

This is probably not comforting, but I think that all the insomnia the last few weeks of pregnancy helps make the sleep deprivation after the baby is born a little easier to adjust to....I mean after having not slept well for weeks, I am thankful to get three solid hours at a time between feedings at night now that I have a newborn.

Lindsey said...

I hope you sleep better tonight. I remember when the body pillow stopped working...

Jennifer said...

Sigh. I remember it all too clearly. The good news is that is doesn't last forever! I know it's really hot there, but when you can, go on a long, fast walk before bed. It will help tire you out. I think the only reason I slept better with Caleb was because I was still working out.

Mary Elizabeth Liberty said...

off topic, but where did you get your lovely duvet cover?

k. said...

MM, it's from Pottery Barn - 2 years ago, I think??