Jul 2, 2010

Priest Lake '10: Paige & Andrew.

Blog, meet Paige.

Paige is marrying my little brother Andrew on August 27th. The last Hudson family wedding, & then my parents will have seven married children. 

We really love Paige. And I'm really lucky to have good sister-in-law's. All around. Love them all, & I'm happy to have one more.

I took their engagement photos yesterday, & I love how they turned out. But this one of just Paige? Her eyes are just beautiful. They're turquoise! Naturally.

You'll notice that they're getting married August 27th. This poses a bit of a problem for us, as Baby Boy is scheduled to arrive less than a month later, & I'm grounded on the east coast (with the sure-to-be accompanying humidity - say a little prayer for me mid-August, please) post-August 1st. As a matter of fact, my two-day intensive Labor & Delivery class is that very weekend. Sigh.

*Side note: I realized yesterday that I am seven months pregnant, after someone asked me how many months I was & I could only answer in weeks (it's all confusing). But really. Seven?! In my seventh month (28 to 31 weeks). How is this happening so quickly? Although it does make me feel better about the size of my growing belly.

I'm thinking that I'll keep my new (!!) iPhone with me all day & have one of my siblings do the same so that we can use FaceTime & I can "be" there.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I hope you post some of the engagement photos.

Seven months pregnant! Very exciting.

p.s. loving your photos of Priest Lake and really impressed with your family's organization (below)....Sounds like this is a family trait?