Aug 30, 2010

Andrew & Paige got married.

Andrew & Paige saying hello to us while we watched the festivities from our couch

Mike & I got back from Indian food with Tim & Amy early enough Friday night so that we could sit on the couch & FaceTime with my family as my brother Andrew walked his new wife out of the temple in Spokane (thanks to jailbroken iPhones, by the way - turns out you don't actually need WiFi for FaceTime). I got a little bit dizzy as the phone was passed around between my siblings, nieces, nephews & parents, but it was nice to talk to everyone & feel sort of there - & to say hello to Andrew & Paige right after they were married (hooray!).

And we even made it in a few photos! See Tara holding "me" ups in the big family photo? Lovely.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I'm glad it worked! You looked great in the photos perfect smile!