Aug 10, 2010

Friday night bowling.

Because we're classy like that? Friday night was fun. A quick dinner at Dogmatic with Tim & Amy, followed up by something I haven't done in probably years. Bowling.  Two very pregnant ladies + bowling, you ask? Option #2 was the batting cages on Randall's Island, so why not. We were likely a total spectacle, but we had fun. I may have strained a muscle in my bicep while trying to avoid actually engaging any abdominal muscles, but all other injuries were otherwise avoided.

I didn't quite break 100. Almost. Someday. Maybe. Because truthfully, I've just never been good at bowling. Tennis, yes. Skiing, I kept up with the boys. Bowling, not so much. But my spare! Take a look at the video. It was my shining moment of the evening, except of course when I got a strike & NO ONE WAS WATCHING. Seriously. Not a single one of them.

We topped off the night with ice cream at Shake Shack. At Madison Square Park! Oh, how I've missed eating outside there. The other locations (!!) just aren't the same. Perfect weather, beautiful lights, great food. I just love it. The line though? It has not been missed.

AAS = Amy & Son, of course.

My belly is officially bigger than a bowling ball.

It's really awesome having a super tall, thin, extra-long-torsoed friend who is due the exact same day as I am. Really though. It really is. Fun to go through this together, & fun that our boys will be buddies. Now it's just a race to the finish line.

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