Aug 11, 2010

The Hamptons & 34 Weeks.

Should we call it insomnia if I go to bed at midnight & wake up at 5am, thoroughly unable to go back to sleep?

Yes, let's. And I'm suffering. Perhaps from all of the spinning wheels in my brain, among other things - such as a 16+ inch human in my abdomen, I suppose. But! That's what excessive blogging is for, right?

We went to The Hamptons last Saturday! It might be my 2nd favorite place in the United States, 2nd to Priest Lake. That's a strong statement, but I'm still blown away by how beautiful it is out there (our trip last fall was unbelievable). We continued the Cannon-fest from the night before & left with Tim & Amy early Saturday morning. I suppose it was our 34-week pregnancy trip, which seems like a silly occasions to celebrate, except that 34 weeks seems like serious business all of a sudden, like OH MY GOSH, THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING. Deep breath. So. To The Hamptons, with a quick stop at Beach Bakery Cafe in Westhampton (thank you, Food Network) & then on to Coopers Beach in Southampton bright & early. Low 80's, breezy & lots of sun. Perfect.

We spent the morning on the beach, lunch & shopping in town, & then back to the beach for the afternoon. Tim & Mike played a lot of lacrosse on the beach, spent a lot of time in the water & generally entertained themselves. Amy & I talked about all things baby, & I'm pretty certain that neither of us got in the water past our ankles (brr). And when they took our chairs away at 4:15pm (?!), we took advantage of the small dune by the water & made our own loungers (because lying on the back just isn't working any more at this point).

Dinner was at Red Bar Brassierie. Loved it, although slightly jealous that Mike got to eat barely seared tuna.

By the time we climbed in the car to head back to the city, Amy & I were both thouroughly, completely, utterly exhausted, as evidenced by our coma-like states in the car while Tim & Mike chatted endlessly on the way home. I, on the other hand, was probably more uncomfortable than I've ever been in my entire life & finally sprawled across the back seat & Mike's lap as best as I could, collapsing into bed shortly after walking into our apartment. I think that means we had a great day.


Lindsey said...

Sounds like the perfect day trip! How long does it take you to drive there? So gorgeous. Your pics kind of remind me of the Denmark coastline. So pretty!

Lizzie said...

So glad you liked Coopers Beach. It is really amazing isn't it? Gorgeous. I need to get back there before Summer is over.

mb said...

I am a little jealous that Tim has a Katz Deli shirt.

Jennifer said...

Ok. A couple of things...

Don't you love the beach grass and fences on East Coast beaches? I do. And is that the Juicy swimsuit, because that's awesome that it can double as a maternity suit.

I stayed away from my ultimate favorite thing in the entire food world--seared tuna--with my first pregnancy. I'm surprised Caleb didn't come out with fins...I ate it all the time. He turned out ok. :)

k. said...

Lindsey, it's close! Like an hour & a half without traffic from the city. Not bad at all.

J, obsessed with east coast beaches. And I want to invite myself to Delaware with you & your family. Looks so gorgeous.

And Juicy, yup. I resurrected it from the dead, except that the top is a little too obscene for the WWW with my massive preggo boobs. Awesome.

And next time around, I'm probably eating sushi every day, too. I miss it so much, & I've never gotten sick from eating it, so why would that change when pregnant?! Sigh.

laurel said...

Oooh, we're spending Labor Day in Westhampton so thank you for the bakery recommendation!

Kera said...

looks like heaven. you so so cute and i love that suit.

Amy said...

So fun - a perfect day! I just noticed that REALLY large pregnant bikini lady in the background of the picture of Tim and me. =)