Those newborn diapers are tiny.
We were the youngest couple in the class by several years, at least. Mike was the only man not grey & balding.
He swaddles like a pro.
We learned how to give sponge baths, take care of an umbilical cord stump, how to properly hold a baby, bottle feed, breast feed, take a temperature, burp, etc. Actually, all really worthwhile.
It was silly that the class spent 15 minutes talking about how much alcohol you can reasonably consume when breastfeeding (direct quote - Both of you shouldn't be drunk at the same time!), but then warned us to stay away from funny cheeses.
Ha! Isn't that funny that people have to be REMINDED not to be drunk at the same time while caring for a child?! Wow.
And those diapers are the BEST for newborns...but you obviously already know that.
I'm excited for you!
What a lucky babe to be coming into your family, if for no other reason than he'll never have to deal with two drunk parents (or even one).
FYI - That baby has a huge head. Don't let that intimidate you. Sounds like you are ready!
You'll be pros when he arrives. I remember the days well when we were doing the same thing....and now that baby is 38 years old!
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