I went back to the Rockefeller Center farmers market today. Love.
Oh my!
Today was so productive. I can tell, because my back hurts & my feet are sore.
I woke up early, although not exactly on purpose. 1:45am if we're being technical (pregnancy insomnia + Mike traveling), & then I finally got out of bed to get things done once the sun came up. Oh well. Nothing to be done.
I spent approximately 87 minutes trying to get my printer to print. It finally did. Pure luck, & I'm sure I'll have the same problem next time. I hate printers. But - I printed what I needed to print! Which allowed me to make my first check mark.
(The silly thing is, this check mark business brings me enough satisfaction that I keep a running to do list both in my phone & on a notepad that I keep on my desk - you know, so that I can make an actual check mark instead of just deleting & not seeing all that I've actually accomplished. Numbers on our Mac actually has a great checklist feature. I love it, & that's where I'm keeping my master list of all that needs to be bought + completed before the end of September.)
I spent approximately 87 minutes trying to get my printer to print. It finally did. Pure luck, & I'm sure I'll have the same problem next time. I hate printers. But - I printed what I needed to print! Which allowed me to make my first check mark.
(The silly thing is, this check mark business brings me enough satisfaction that I keep a running to do list both in my phone & on a notepad that I keep on my desk - you know, so that I can make an actual check mark instead of just deleting & not seeing all that I've actually accomplished. Numbers on our Mac actually has a great checklist feature. I love it, & that's where I'm keeping my master list of all that needs to be bought + completed before the end of September.)
I assembled furniture. All by myself! A chair that one could call a rocker - but isn't. I deserve a medal for my efforts, because me + complicated (or even not-complicated) assembly instructions don't get along very well. Anyway - It's modern, works in the small space available in our living room & bounces just enough that it will make a happy place for nursing without looking... ugly. I'm sure I'm picky about ridiculous + superficial things sometimes, but I really didn't want a massive rocker in my tiny apartment & my taste is my taste. So there.
I went with friend Sarah & got a manicure this afternoon. Of the Shellac variety. Better than the first OPI I got (& then got again), & will supposedly not make my nailbeds sad like the OPI ended up doing. It's magic, & makes me happy.
Baby Boy now has an umbrella stroller thanks to Gilt. $100 off! Happy. I'm hoping that it doesn't come with a DVD guide + novel for assembly. Mike's got his work cut out for him this weekend on stroller #1 which has been living in a box in our living room for the past few weeks. I was feeling ambitious the other day & opened the box, thinking that it would be my afternoon project. One quick look at the guides that came with it, & I closed it all up again. I know how to pick & choose my battles.
And! Baby Boy's sheets are freshly pressed & his crib made (even though the making took me an hour & caused me to break out in a complete sweat, thanks to my belly getting in the way of any sort of bending - & the inability I apparently have now of fitting between the crib & the wall). This ironing business must mean that I love this unborn child of mine, because I. HATE. IRONING. More than anything, really. I hate ironing. I do. That's what wrinkle release spray was invented for. And seriously, more often than not, I think that the ironing of sheets is ridiculous (you sleep in them!). I prefer a quick & timely removal from the dryer & a good shake out. But his organic sheets - is that really necessary by the way?? - looked like WWIII when they came out of the dryer yesterday, & I feel like his first night in his crib should be perfect, so I ironed. And it looks pretty, so I feel better.
I feel good having checked things off my list. A good day.
Oh. And totally unrelated, but I was in the elevator on my way out this afternoon & a nice woman looked at my belly & said to me, It's a girl!! I smiled, & told her that it was actually a boy. She said, Nope! Definitely a girl! Double check! I haven't posted any ultrasound photos on our public blog, but we definitely have a boy on our hands. People are funny / need to keep their opinions to themselves sometimes.
I wore shoes today that maybe I shouldn't have. I mean, they were comfortable. And cute. But putting them on took 20 minutes thanks to four (four!) straps that had to be buckled. I felt like a contortionist who was unable to... contortion? Either way, trying on shoes mid-day was also a terrible idea when wearing such complicated gladiators, but I made it. Slowly.
I feel good having checked things off my list. A good day.
Oh. And totally unrelated, but I was in the elevator on my way out this afternoon & a nice woman looked at my belly & said to me, It's a girl!! I smiled, & told her that it was actually a boy. She said, Nope! Definitely a girl! Double check! I haven't posted any ultrasound photos on our public blog, but we definitely have a boy on our hands. People are funny / need to keep their opinions to themselves sometimes.
I wore shoes today that maybe I shouldn't have. I mean, they were comfortable. And cute. But putting them on took 20 minutes thanks to four (four!) straps that had to be buckled. I felt like a contortionist who was unable to... contortion? Either way, trying on shoes mid-day was also a terrible idea when wearing such complicated gladiators, but I made it. Slowly.
It's Friday! Mike is on his way home from the airport as we speak, we have plans with friends tonight & we're learning more about this baby business tomorrow. I'm excited.
Happy Friday, blog.
1 comment:
what is the rocker? And I have only ironed sheets twice in my life. You are a pro.
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