Aug 16, 2010

Sometimes friends say things they don't mean.

And that's okay. It means that you're good friends when you can decipher what they mean vs. what they don't really mean without getting hurt feelings over it.

So when friend Amy (repeatedly) said, No shower for Baby Cannon! I obediently said, Okay!

And then when she & Tim showed up Saturday morning at The Vinegar Factory to have brunch with Mike & me, I sent Tim right back home & sat Amy down with a bunch of her friends for her baby shower, naturally (Tim was in on it, & Mike was happily playing basketball per his Saturday morning routine).

Lots of girls that love Amy, & her soon-to-be-baby. So much fun!


noelle said...

it's 3:15 a.m. and i can't sleep and those pancakes look so delish right now. sigh. curse the insomnia of third trimester.

Amy said...

Was quite the festive event, you are pretty much the world's nicest friend for still throwing me a shower, even when i told you not to! Besides, my urologist says I should have friends throw me a couple more surprise showers so I can get all of these kidney stones out of me! (added bonus!)