Aug 2, 2010

The weekend.

It's Monday! I got 8 hours of almost-uninterrupted sleep last night, it's 8:30am, my laundry is in the dryer & I have leftover peach cobbler in my belly (i.e. breakfast). A happy start to the day, I think.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday were all happy days, too. They involved a play date with one of my very favorite 2 year olds, breakfast-for-lunch with Suzi, a (2nd!) trip to Target, milkshakes with friend Kelsey (finally back in town!) at Joy Burger Bar, brunch & dinner dates (!!) with Mike on Saturday with Highline Park + Chelsea Market wanderings in between (where we sampled + shared desserts from Butterlane Bakery, People's Pops & Van Leeuwen Ice Cream - so technically, that's only 1 1/2 small desserts a piece!), wearing heels (wedges, actually - but they made me taller!) for the first time in probably a year & loving it, a good time at church & having California friends who were in town over for dinner & dessert last night.

Did I mention the weather was perfect? It was.

Here's to a happy Monday with lots of fruit, vegetables & water! Clearly starting right... now.

*Post edit: Just returned from picking up my clean laundry & noticed in the elevator mirror that my underbelly was peeking several inches out of the bottom of my shirt. I'm classy like that these days I suppose.


erin said...

attack of the underbelly. that drafty current has got to be one of the most annoying feelings in the entire world.

Jennifer said...

That's when you know you are close. I remember being so, so bugged by it.

Missy said...

live it up - wear tanks that only fit halfway across your belly in this late summer heat, i say.