It's Monday! I got 8 hours of almost-uninterrupted sleep last night, it's 8:30am, my laundry is in the dryer & I have leftover peach cobbler in my belly (i.e. breakfast). A happy start to the day, I think.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday were all happy days, too. They involved a play date with one of my very favorite 2 year olds, breakfast-for-lunch with Suzi, a (2nd!) trip to Target, milkshakes with friend Kelsey (finally back in town!) at Joy Burger Bar, brunch & dinner dates (!!) with Mike on Saturday with Highline Park + Chelsea Market wanderings in between (where we sampled + shared desserts from Butterlane Bakery, People's Pops & Van Leeuwen Ice Cream - so technically, that's only 1 1/2 small desserts a piece!), wearing heels (wedges, actually - but they made me taller!) for the first time in probably a year & loving it, a good time at church & having California friends who were in town over for dinner & dessert last night.
Did I mention the weather was perfect? It was.
Did I mention the weather was perfect? It was.
Here's to a happy Monday with lots of fruit, vegetables & water! Clearly starting right... now.
*Post edit: Just returned from picking up my clean laundry & noticed in the elevator mirror that my underbelly was peeking several inches out of the bottom of my shirt. I'm classy like that these days I suppose.
*Post edit: Just returned from picking up my clean laundry & noticed in the elevator mirror that my underbelly was peeking several inches out of the bottom of my shirt. I'm classy like that these days I suppose.
attack of the underbelly. that drafty current has got to be one of the most annoying feelings in the entire world.
That's when you know you are close. I remember being so, so bugged by it.
live it up - wear tanks that only fit halfway across your belly in this late summer heat, i say.
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