Sep 20, 2010

On the 270th day, we met Baby Q.

Sometimes, we call him Q for short. This started shortly after we named him (which was shortly after we found out he was a he). Calling him Quinn when he was still in utero felt a little too real, too strange. So it was Baby Q. 

He's little! Like, left the hospital at 6 lbs. & doesn't fill out any of his newborn clothes little (I should have listened to the advice of my sister & bought a few premie things - Hudson girls don't make very large babies). 10 days early does this, I suppose. He's skinny, too! Scrawny arms & legs, long fingers & toes. 

He's mellow. Maybe he'll stay this way (like his dad), maybe he won't. In the meantime, he sleeps well, eats well (that took a day) & is generally content & happy as long as his basic needs are being met. His arrival into the world was fitting for his personality. 30 minutes of easy & calm pushing, & there he was. Labor was a different story, but we'll blame that on other factors, including-but-not-limited-to the lack of anesthesiologists at the hospital & the woman who needed an emergency C-section at the exact moment when I needed an epidural (I eventually got one, & will get up in the next fast & testimony meeting I attend & bare witness of their truthfulness).

He's blonde! Mike says I take too many black & white photos, but he is. How did I create a blonde child? A bit darker today than it was on day one, but still - blonde.  He has lots of hair on his head, & lots of fuzz on his arms, legs & back (I love baby fuzz). 

He moves his arms around like a mad scientist or an orchestra conductor when I burp him. Arms in the air, fists shaking! We love this. 

He sleeps with his hands always touching his face (just like me), & always seems to Houdini his way out of his swaddle. 

He smells delicious. 

He's generally just perfect, & we are just happy.

On his first day home (less than 48 hours old) I gave him a thorough introduction to my camera: 

* I have approximately 5,732 other things I'd like to say about this boy & his arrival. And I need to do this soon before the details get fuzzy (although I'd prefer that some of the details get fuzzy sooner vs. later). I need to tell the stories of the day he was born (& how maybe I just knew it was the day?? deep down?). About my cab ride alone to the hospital, & then our second cab ride together. About the thunder & lightning storm as I was laboring in my apartment, & how perfectly fitting it was. About my terror at discovering what real contractions felt like. About Mike's calm, my doctor's calm, & my anaesthesiologists calm (after three failed attempts). About my amazing nurses, my first night alone with my baby boy, my insane roommate (& how I walked out of the bathroom the first night at 2am to find her HOLDING. MY. CHILD.), my wonderful friends & family who visited, our first cab ride as a family & our first few days together. So much! Soon.


Tara Edwards said...

He is so dang cute! I just love his little legs and I can just picture his little mad scientist arms! Parker did something very similar, but with the vocal ability of an opera singer added in. I'm glad baby Q is here. Welcome to the world!

Melissa said...

He is precious! I'm so happy for you!

Corinne said...

What a perfect little thing. BEAUTIFUL lips.

mandy* said...

He's absolutely precious!!!! And I totally know what you mean about "smelling good." That is one of my most favorite things about newborns. Thank you for sharing your little Quinn with us...he's beautiful.

Missy said...

He is so so cute. Love the second one from the bottom the very most. He is perfect and you sound GOOD and I am so thrilled for you!!

(the roommate holding your baby?!!)

Kelsey said...

Love the photos and his teeny tiny-ness.

I just spent the last 10 minutes thinking about what I would have said to the woman who picked up my new baby while I was in the bathroom. CRAZY!

Unknown said...

I love that he's blond. And SO tiny. (I don't even know what 6lbs feels like.) And 30 minutes of calm pushing sounds pretty amazing for your first baby.
Who do you two think he looks like?

I look forward to many many more photos.

Alissa said...

A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E. Absolutely priceless.

Jill said...

he is precious. i love all these pictures. especially the last one. i wish jude would have let me swaddle him. he was pretty rude about it.

Kera said...

he is beautiful. WHAT did you do when she was holding your baby! did you inner mama bear come out. mine would have.

mb said...

Love love love the little guy! He is so tiny and so sweet!

We walked home from your apt yesterday and scott goes, "We could have a baby."


"just kidding"

he thinks he is so funny. SO happy for you guys!

A Sunday Kind Of Love said...

SO unbelievably cute! Congratulations!
p.s. If I had been roomies with that woman, I think I would have lost my mind! Who DOES that?!

Heidi said...

Oh no- you had to share a recovery room?! What in the world was that lady doing?

I want to snuggle him all wrapped up in that bottom photo. He does look so teeny and wonderful.

Jill said...

blonde!? really? i love to see how genes mix up. who do you two think he looks like? i love Q, he really is perfect, and i'm so happy you posted more pics/info. i think about you guys a lot and the wonder of those first few days. oh i love those new baby smells, squeaks and stretches.

i can hardly wait for your stories! that lady!! those first bathroom trips are stressful enough without thinking that someone is handling YOUR BABY while you're occupied. i would have flipped out completely.

Jill said...

also i have an inescapable swaddle trick if you ever need it. my friends on the uws taught me and its a goodie. although the little hands by the face are very sweet.

erin said...

Dearest q, I love your leggies. Love, your adoring Utah fans

Louise said...

I am so thrilled you got your priorities sraight with introducing Quinn to the camera!! He is so delectable, Kathryn. So beautiful.

And are you even kidding about someone else holding your baby?!

Can't wait to hear more about everything!

ellen said...

Those photos are wonderful. Hey -- don't leave us hanging about your nutty roommate. Tell us the story!

Joanna said...

He will definitely be the most photographed baby of all time! He is so, so, cute. I'm still awaiting my phone call/facetime chat when you have a quiet moment! I'm not sure new moms ever have those, but if ever.... :)And you look beautiful, btw. Totally glowing. I love it.

Lauren said...

Congratulations! He is adorable:)

Morgan said...

I've been dying to see pictures. He is so tiny and perfect and absolutely adorable!

I'm so incredibly happy for you!

I'm excited to hear all of your stories, especially the one about the crazy roommate (particularly the what happened next part).

Groshon said...

He is soo adorable and tiny and sweet! Congratulations!

emily said...

He looks perfect! You appear to be feeling well (standing up on the bed for photo purposes...). Yay for you guys. Enjoy the newborn stage. :)

Scott and Elly said...

Congrats you guys! He is perfect. Let the fun begin!

Marcus Lane said...

congrats! it only gets better from here on out.

Meg said...


Erin said...

1. So sweet, and Im so happy you named him quinn. I LOVE that name, boy or girl. Quincey would have had her name if she were a boy too. LOVE it.

2. I totally had the same emergency c-section thing with Carson, MISERY! I was yelling at greg to get the drugs!! Poor guy couldn't really do anything about it.

3. I love newborn smell. I miss it.

4. The pictures are so beautiful and simple. I love all of them.

5. MOST IMORTANT. I hope you hit that crazy roommate. Are you serious?! Who does that. Reminds me of that episode from the office which still totally freaks me out.

Sorry. That was long. He is so sweet!

Lindsey said...

I LOVE seeing what a perfect little baby does to a family. SO happy for you guys. Q is gorgeous and these pictures are so so beautiful. And like everyone else, am DYING at your roommate?!

Elizabeth said...

wow after 27 comments what does one say other than he is beautiful. And so are you!

eyre blog said...

Absolute beauty. Huge congrats. you are AMAZING!

jocelyn said...

congratulations! newborns are the best. i love the swaddled picture.