Quinn is 5 weeks old + 1 day. Time flies, & yet I feel like I've lived a lifetime within my apartment walls - & certainly within the confines of the Upper East Side.
His new play mat came the other day. He thinks it's fun. I think. For about 10 minutes, & then he gets tired & has to take a nap.
His new play mat came the other day. He thinks it's fun. I think. For about 10 minutes, & then he gets tired & has to take a nap.
We're practicing naps this week, with more structure. It's getting better. I slept last night (almost 5 hours in a row!), & the night before, & we're all a bit happier. Although as my pediatrician said, with infants - it's typically a few steps forward, then a step back.
Mike stayed home this afternoon so that I could get out for a few hours, alone. A mental health break, if you will. It was wonderful & needed. New York City is cold all of a sudden! I wore a jacket. I rode the subway for the first time in 5+ weeks. It was crowded (& full of germs). And no one got out of my way or offered me their seat (I miss the perks of being pregnant). The freedom was refreshing, but as I got out onto 52nd Street, I realized that I was further away from my baby than I've ever been (30 blocks!), & then I started to get this funny panicky feeling in my chest.
So I shopped - quickly - & it was nice. Normal clothes! Strange. And then I rushed home to see my husband & little boy - both happy & content.
Q is napping now, & Mike & I just finished eating the sushi that we ordered (a date on our couch, I suppose). I've got some time, which means I'm off to respond to emails that I've neglected, sort through a zillion photos that I've taken, & work on getting baby announcements put together & then out. I'll probably accomplish, oh, 1/9th of what I'd like to, but that's okay. He'll wake up in a bit, I'll feed him, & then - we'll all sleep. After we watch the Yankees, anyway.
(By the way - I'm grateful for friends + blog friends who encourage me & make me feel like I am not in fact completely losing it, even when I so often feel that I am. Thank you for supporting me & helping me know that I'm not alone. Or crazy.)
Glad you got some time for yourself--although I completely get what you mean about then realizing you were further away from your baby! Oh, being a mother... :)
Quinn is adorable.
Oh, you are definitely NOT alone my friend.
Glad you got out to do a little shopping! And I love the play mat (so colorful!!), looks like Q does too.
Normal clothes, oh I am craving normal clothes. Everything is so tight and uncomfortable right now. I'm ready but I'm not.
For me, I think around 3-4 months is when a true napping schedule sets in. The three a day nap. Morning, afternoon and late afternoon. I think that is pretty typical. Good luck with it all, the sleeping is always tricky, or at least is was for me.
Being a first time mom is hard. You're alone most of the day with the baby. I enjoy my older boys now. They can carry on conversations with me, be my helpers and are easy to tote around. But sometimes I want to give them away when they are exceptionally pesky. And although I am about to start over, it is never quite the same as that first time around.
You're doing great. You're normal and maybe even a touch crazy ;) But I think as moms we all get a little crazy every now and then. Lack of sleep does that to you. It's mean like that.
I think I might just "second" molly's comment here. The napping, the first time mom comment and how good it is that you are writing it all down. you'll have another and realize that not everything is so foreign and know things even out in time.
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