We watched Conference. We went on a nice long walk in between sessions & I introduced Quinn - & Mike - to the playground. We walked along the East River. We napped. Well, Quinn did. I need to be better at napping when he does (per usual).
He's cute, right? We think so.
(But oh my, where has my time gone?! It has disappeared, or entirely rededicated I should say, & I'm adjusting to the reality of finishing 1/14th of what I'd actually like to. Today, I brushed my teeth after 4pm. That was the reality of what was a long & sort of exhausting day. We have an iPhone app that tracks everything baby, so I can actually account for all of my time. It's spent feeding. And changing. And rocking. And changing again. And bouncing. And singing. And soothing. And changing again. And feeding, again & again & again & again [breastfeeding is hard]. I love our little boy & it is oh so very worth it. But an adjustment - a massive one, that is sometimes emotionally & even physically painful - absolutely.)
When my first one was born I nicknamed him the time thief, because hours seemed to disappear right from under my nose. Although I didn't mind having them stolen too much, but it definitely is an adjustment.
That application shoudl be eliminated. I think it would get depressing. One thing I learned was how to shower super fast with my babies in their car seats so I knew they were safe, even if they were crying. And the napping thing is super important! And I'll stop giving you advice because you will figure it all out for yourself. But when I come I'm going to take him on a long walk and you are not invited. You will just have to stay home, take a real shower, nap, blog, whatever. Just a warning!
I second everything Tara said. What a perfect older sister.
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