Happier times, this morning.
Currently typing with one hand from the couch, where I am lying on my back.
Sad baby (shots this afternoon) wants only to cuddle / sleep on my chest (i.e. my right boob - the perfect baby sized pillow?). For hours now. Poor Q. Sad husband is finally home after several incredibly long days in Texas, but sick + feverish. Sad.
And me. I'm tired, but I love these two. Just wish I had four hands. Or a clone.
It might be a long night.
But isn't Q handsome?
Oh. He weighs 11 pounds. 22 inches. 35th percentile across the board.
And. A man on the bus today said, Oh is that a little girl? I said No, thinking that the answer would have beeen obvious as Q was wearing a blue beanie, blue pants & a grey fleece. Oh, he said. I always wanted girls. I'm sure you did, too.
Um, no. just a happy + healthy baby, thank you.
People are so weird.
Especially the insane (mean it) woman who screamed at me & called me a crazy b-word for carrying Q in the Bjorn (?!) while I was innocently walking down the street & talking to friend Kelsey on the phone. What?! It's New York, & I was only slightly fazed, but still.
Random, but did anyone else say h-e-double-hockey-stick growing up? You know, instead of saying that word?
Sad baby is still out.
Random, but did anyone else say h-e-double-hockey-stick growing up? You know, instead of saying that word?
Sad baby is still out.
I've had people ask Max what his little brother's name is and Max just looks confused. Apparently wearing things with flowers or in the color pink means nothing anymore.
Having a sick baby is HARD! I wish you luck tonight.
Feel better, Whiting boys!
i can't get over that picture. i love it. and people are dumb. that's all there is to it.
Ooooo...sick hubby and immunized baby. Bad combination. But on a happier note - Quinn is such a cute kid!
Shots are so sad :(
I hope the boys start feeling better soon.
Also, your random NYC tidbits made me miss the city a little less today, thanks for that ;)
That is a good looking baby.
And people are so weird.
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