The cheeks! The thighs! His eyes! I love this boy.
Seven weeks + 1 day. I took these on Friday.
This weekend he got to meet his (honorary) Aunt Alissa, my dear friend in town from Spokane. She loved him, he loved her, it was perfect. We didn't do much - wandered, talked, did some errands, got my hair cut, ate leftover curry & watched the marathon on 1st Avenue out of our window. It was nice.
Quinn broke his sleeping record & passed 6 hours straight the other night (!!). Last night, wasn't as spectacular, but it was only a small little bump in what has been a really great few weeks of consistent sleep at night. Fingers are crossed for tonight.
Especially - because Mike is gone. Until Wednesday. Gulp. (I can say that I'm husbandless on the www safely because I have a doorman who will beat you up - or at least forbid you entry - if you try to stalk me / break into my apartment). This is only problematic in that I sometimes always feel as if I'll barely make it to the end of the day, & the moment he walks through the door is absolutely sweet relief.
I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. Yes?
Jeans! For the first time. Q looks so grown up! I like this particular pair because they're so soft, & lined with soft fabric on the inside. But still - I prefer my little boy in his coziest PJ's just after his bath. I don't think I'm ready for him to be in real clothes every day.
Life is so very simple right now. This week - only a doctor's appointment for Q (shots - ugh) & a flu shot appointment for me. That's it. Kind of nice, but kind of overwhelming having all of that time (which inevitably ends up getting used up, & I end the day feeling as if I had none - time that is - while likely actually accomplishing very little). But being a new mother... It's such an interesting mixture of peace, new focus, anxiety, & isolation (depending on the day / hour / minute). I'm still feeling a little bit like I'm on a roller coaster of emotions. I suspect that won't end any time soon.

What perfect sweetness....Is he really smiling?
Hes so happy! And he really is starting to look like a baby more, instead of a newborn. I remember Carson in his first jeans, I felt like you, soft pjs are way better for babes.
Hes so sweet kathryn.
very edible indeed.
Love, love, love those cheeks!!
So you might not want to do this, but you should... Click on just donkey (the label) and then look how much Quinn has changed!!! Holy cow!!
Look at his cute little jeans!!
Nice jeans!!
thighs. must squish.
Nothing better than babies in soft cotton onesie/pajamas.
But, look at how happy he is! And how perfectly round his cheeks are. I really think he looks like your dad (and you!)
Oh that smile, it is just melting me.
Keep him in soft little baby things as long as you can. Before you know he'll be putting on his rain boots all by himself and you'll just wonder how that happened.
He is so darling!
Let's finish our conversation one of these days.
He is so yum. That smile! Swoon.
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