Seven weeks!
This makes me feel guilt for wearing sweat pants today, because seven weeks is almost two months, & two months sounds like a really significant length of time - enough time certainly to get my act together & actually put on real pants every day. But! It's pouring rain today. Pouring. I can't even see the tops of the buildings in midtown from our apartment because it's so grey & rainy today. My seven week old little boy has never been touched by a drop of rain, & today will not be the day that changes. So. We're staying inside, & I'm showered, but wearing sweatpants. Judge me.
Quinn is sleeping! Right this very second, & it's nap number three (!) of the day. We've had our ups & downs, but I can say that for the past two weeks or so, he's had stretches of sleep at night between four & five hours, & he's typically waking up only once or twice (& I'm pretty certain at this point that his second waking - around 5:30am - is just to say hello & cuddle for a bit, & not to eat - because he's been snacking, & spoiling his breakfast that is supposed to take place around 7 or 7:30; we need to fix this). We're still experimenting with various things, & I'm still dreaming of the day when I'll get a full night's sleep, but at the very least, we're seeing improvement. Which means that I haven't cried sad / stressed tears in maybe a week. Maybe more. I'm surviving! Amazing.
At seven weeks, I'm obsessed with Q's chubby thighs. I'm not sure where they came from, but all of sudden, there they were! They're huge! And thick! And squishy! And when I change his diaper, I'm kind of amazed that our scrawny little infant has suddenly developed this thick winter coating! It's amazing & delicious all at the same time.
At seven weeks - He's lost so much hair! Still long in the back, but so much has fallen off the top & the sides! I bought another hat for him yesterday. Thank goodness for winter.
At seven weeks - his eyes are grey. For now.
At seven weeks - his eyes are grey. For now.
At seven weeks - I have hospital bills stamped & ready to mail in. Oh my. Babies are expensive! Worth every penny, but seriously!
From today + the morning light:

Kathryn he is so adorable. He looks so content. Looking at your blog makes me miss nyc - especially central park in the fall:)
gorgeous photos and baby! where is that onesie from? it's so cute!
He's so beautiful. And, I think there is nothing cuter than chubby baby thighs.
ok, i ADMIT it, this did make me baby hungry. i'm going to tell patrick not to look at your blog :)
love the chubs, love the onsie, love quinn.
Sloan is almost 24 weeks (over 5 months now!) and I still have days that I wear sweats. Don't SWEAT it! ;)
Beautiful pictures. Beautiful eyes. Always did love those chubby baby thighs. He's so cute and getting so big so fast.
Thighs AND cheeks. He is so so cute (and me too, where is the onesie from? super cute) Kathryn!
I love, love when babies are in that clenched fist phase. And then they learn to open them up and eat their fingers and toes and anything they can get their hands on. Obviously he makes me want another one...
Please don't feel bad about sweats, you writing that makes me feel bad;)
Onesie is just Baby Gap but I love, love the fabric. It says "milk truck" on it (I think?), which I totally felt like today after Q wanted to eat every .5 seconds. :)
I can't get over those lips! What a gorgeous little baby...I mean handsome. :)
He is precious. The rolls are my most favorite thing on a growing newborn. Although, Beck came with rolls and chub from day 1. :)
I love thick thighs on my little boys too. And every time I see pictures of him, I really think he has his own look, but such a perfect one!
Sweats. Really? I let myself wear them (on days when I'm home) at least once a week. Who's going to know? And they feel so good. (But I also have no pants that I love. Maybe that's why.. Need to get some leggings.)
it's been 8 years since b was born, and i still wear sweats most days of the week. of course, i am not known for my fashion sense. some girls buy purses and shoes. i buy workout gear. i say rock the sweats.
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