Dec 15, 2010

Our December (so far) in snapshots.

Sneakers! Cupcakes. Grandma! Bear suits. Bryant Park. BDGB. Christmas Trees! 
Rain. Napping. Times Square. New chub! Hanukkah. Lights. Sunday best. 
Park Avenue Tree Lighting. Hands! Pretty blankets. Loving mama. Morning smiles. 


The Taylor Family said...

I love all of your pictures. You are so good at capturing everything. I need to be better. Would you mind telling me what apps you use to do all of your photo collages? I love them.

Jill said...

Quinn is at the loveliest squishable phase and your December is making me miss the city and all that comes with it!

Jennifer said...

Oh! I love when you do this. So, so great.