Jan 27, 2011

(Another) Snowstorm.

The 10 minute walk to Shake Shack took twice as long this afternoon, in part due to the 19 or so inches of snow on the ground & in part due to the two crazy men that (separately) insisted on talking to me on my way there. Why is it that babies (+ being pregnant) are an open invitation for conversations with strangers?!

Crazy #1 - immediately after I left our building & was walking down our street - suggested that I pull Quinn out of his stroller so that he could take a photo of us (I had my camera slung over my shoulder). Um, no thank you, he's sleeping. The man again suggested that we should take a photo. No thank you (keep walking). So, naturally, of course he kept walking alongside us & attempted to get into a conversation about whether or not he should buy my camera, or some other camera that he also knew nothing about (he was admittedly not a photographer & just wanted something to take snapshots with). I was only able to lose him once I got to 85th Street & had to turn west, where of course another kind gentleman immediately informed me that city moms don't know how to handle winter (excuse me?!) & he was an expert since he raised his kids in Boston. Please. I was out with my child in 19 inches of fresh snow, navigating rather successfully through foot-deep puddles & snowdrifts quite fine. I'd say that city mom's are actually quite sturdy & resourceful, & also have extra-tough skins thanks to needing to deal with obnoxious people such as he. Crazy #2 then proceeded to give me several minutes of unsolicited parenting advice (such as never, ever tell your children what to do - that sounds perfectly sensible, no?) before I told him that I had to go & meet my friends, managing to make him finally go away.

The snow! Oh my gosh, it's everywhere. Piles & piles of it. I like how it muffles the city & how everything is so quiet. I also like how going outside is kind of like going to the circus. I could have just sat on the sidewalk & watched people - people with strollers, kids with sleds, cars buried under enough snow to be stuck for days, sidewalks reduced to a fourth of their normal width, everyone slipping & sliding. No one seemed to be at work today. It was a mess out there, but it was pretty!

Note to self: Never go to Shake Shack when it's a snow day for all of the students on the Upper East Side. Julie, Kelsey & I managed to get a table, but it was a battleground of mothers & children in that place today. 


Heidi said...

I'm loving seeing New York so covered in snow.

Missy said...

oh man, all that snow! I can't even believe it and really amazed that you went out in it all. but, the sun is shining!

Jill said...

kind of fun, right?!

i remember pushing wyatt through a foot of snow, up hill (both ways of course) in a total blizzard to his dr appt at mt sinai. it was a nightmare. why didn't i just take a cab? i was an idiot. i think i had lived there for like 2 months at that point.

Jennifer said...

It does look pretty. Sort of.