Mike is traveling all week, so Quinn & I have been able to spend a lot of quality time together (which I suppose we always do - so there's nothing too new here). Activities include eating, diaper changing, dressing, singing songs, practicing standing & sitting up, playing with his bird friends, tummy time, sitting & staring at each other figuring out what to do next, staring at the snow that WON'T STOP, taking photos & practicing sitting in the Bumbo. We had better success with the latter yesterday (& there was no puking on Q's part from being totally overwhelmed).
Oh. And confession: Yesterday, Quinn was in his pajamas all day long. It was that kind of day (I only cried once - I'm grateful for good friends that keep me sane). I put him in a fresh pair after his bath, but seriously. The poor child.

The one of him laughing is great. And I love the jammies--totally worthy of an all-day wearing.
Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! How is he big enough for him to sit up!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
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