From our Saturday morning. Mike saw this photo & said He has man boobs! I think the translation of that is that we really love Q's chub!
We had friends over last & made an epic feast. Cafe Rio, & we did it all - the pork, rice, the tortillas with cheese melted in the oven first, the beans, the tomatillo dressing, fresh guacamole... It's quite the production to put it all together, but it's worth it (especially the post-church leftovers that we had today). Sara & Scott stayed for hours which was just perfectly wonderful because we really like them a lot. We had a happy baby, lots of yummy food, & really good conversation per usual. The last time we went out with them, the then-tiny Baby Q slept in the Bjorn the entire time. It was fun to more thoroughly introduce him to them - & to show them a tiny peek at the reality of our domestic + married life with a baby (they're dating), while they served as a reminder of where it all began for us almost seven & a half years ago.
What a strong little man with that great tummy-time! I think he's pretty proud of himself!
I think this is my favorite picture of yours ever!
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