I don't really ever have the kind of day that I used to have before Mike & I decided to have a baby. Even when Baby Boy was growing in the womb, things hadn't changed yet. We were trying to fit so many things in - & we really did! - & I felt like I was always running around. I was so busy the week before Q was born that I'm positive that it threw me into labor 10 days early. But I was happy! Busy! Really fulfilled. It was lovely. These days, there is far less running around the city, & adventures take place on a much smaller scale. We're ordering in far more than we're going out. We see friends less often, & during earlier hours of the day. The scope of the things that I photograph & write about has moved from New York City to mostly just our little apartment & the happenings within it. My to do list is has become shorter, & quite a bit more simple. I can partly blame winter (it's long + hard this year), but it's mostly - & obviously - baby. You know, the adjustment of it all. Still. Life has slowed down dramatically for us these past five months. I say that not to complain, but to accurately document the simplicity of our days. Because they are quiet mostly, &really quite simple. But still, there's an element of complexity that is always lingering in the back of my mind.
The complex being that I have the responsibility of teaching this sweet little boy. Everything.
No big deal, right?
I was thinking about this concept the other week as I was reading to Quinn. We were working our way through Green Eggs & Ham for the first time, & when I say working through it, I mean that we skipped from I do not like green eggs & ham to I do! I like them, Sam-I-am! in about 90 seconds (do you realize that book is like 50-something pages long?!). I've loved collecting books for Q, including the really sweet gifts from friends. I love his little library. I love that when Quinn sits on my lap & I read to him, he wants to play with the pages of the books & stares intently at the pictures. These books help us to teach Q about all sorts of things, ranging from the eating habits of a man named Sam to sushi to New York City to birds & their homes. I love the sweet messages in children's books. I love the bright colors & the simple graphics. But. I realized the other day that I was kind of missing something, & it bothered me that I didn't have a single book about faith. Plenty of books about being nice, & sharing, & how different animals love their mamas. But how do you start teaching a little child about God? That he loves us? That we have a purpose? Obviously parents have their role + responsibility to teach their children, & our daily actions speak louder than any book can. And, I'm clearly not going to start off by making Quinn memorize the 10 Commandments. Still, I wanted fair representation on his bookshelf of those things that I really value, because motherhood has this way of magnifying things, & those things that I've grown up believing have even more fully solidified into knowing. I desperately want my son to know them, too. So. We've added a few books to his collection. Books that talk about how Jesus is his friend, & how Heavenly Father gave us the sun (thank you!) & the birds & the trees. Simple. Sweet. He doesn't know the words that I'm reading to him, but someday he will, & in the meantime, the simplistic reminders of truth make me feel good as I read them, because they apply to me too, & I need those same lessons every day.
And, I also really love that one of his new books allows me to get through the entire Old & New Testaments in approximately 20 pages. Like Luke 15, summed up in one paragraph - He had 100 sheep. Then one went missing, & he had only 99. He searched for the one until he found it. He brought it safely home. Then he was happy again.
Anyway. The simple things. This is what we do every day. Sometimes it will be learning the basics about why we're on this earth in the first place & why it all matters. Other times, we'll work on the muscle development that will eventually turn into crawling, & then walking, & then running.
We didn't do a lot today, really. We said goodbye to Mike (but not before he snapped a few photos), spent some time on our tummies, went for a quick walk around the block to run an errand, sang some songs, read a few books, & played with Q's animal friends that dangle down from his play mat.
And, we practiced standing. It was a good day.

You are so darling Kathryn. This post is the pick-me-up I needed today, so thank you.
I think about what I'm teaching Jane all the time too, its overwhelming and exciting. I love to see her learn and how eager she is to try something new... or do the same thing for the 100th time.
are those the pants that you told me i needed? the ones you're wearing? although i think i need q's too for my next manchild.
good post. excellent photos. i miss you.
please share the churchy books. i'll call you tomorrow.
What a sweet post! I teach 4th grade and it's heartbreaking to realize how many young ones have absolutely no faith, no knowledge of any Biblical history or of God... Quinn is a blessed little man!...and so adorable!
Miss E - yes. Those are the ones. Except they look green & not grey. They're definitely grey. And Q's are my favorite, too. Imps & Elfs. (And see you in Texas!!! In like 7 weeks!)
From Women's Conference this last Saturday:
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" Leonardo DaVinci
I love your post -Lucky Q to have you as his Mama.
There is a time and a season....and you're making the most of this one, for sure. It is a way more daunting task to be a good parent than most people realize...but it's also very simple....and basic. You're getting it so right.
I absolutely love seeing this motherly side of you Kathryn. It's beautiful on you!
Such a beautiful post. The pictures compliment the words so perfectly. It's just very obvious that you love your little boy a whole, whole lot. It's so crazy sometimes to look back at our lives and to see how quickly everything changes. It's been so interesting to see a little glimpse into how you've embraced your new role as a mother. Quinn is so lucky that you are his. Thanks for all that you've shared about your first few months as a mother. You've inspired me in many ways.
Thank you for writing about this. Even though my child is big, now that I am staying home, I find myself staying inside more than I would like. And I have been having a hard time feeling totally okay with it.
I would love to get the names of your more religious books. Will and I spend lots of time reading, but the only books we have about Jesus are Christmas books.
Titles! Of course.
My Little Bible Boardbook
My First Book of Mormon Stories
My Little Book about Jesus
I searched high & low when I was in Utah for good board books for the under-3 set. They are hard, hard, hard to find. I'm going try some general booksellers online & see if I can have better luck.
Two more that are in my Amazon cart:
God Loves me More Than That
Jesus Wants me For a Sunbeam
Those pants are adorable. I probably should make my way over to Anthro. And Q of course looks precious. I love that first picture of you two.
I liked this post a lot.
Kathryn you look so beautiful in that top one. Quinn is so lucky to have a loving mommy who loves him. Im glad you found some good books, I agree, they are hard to find. I think I had better luck in Seattle than here in Utah. Go figure. Anyway, you guys are too cute. Quinn is such a handsome boy!
love that bottom photo. so so much. it is watching other mothers in action that make me pause and love what I see.
i love that you are one month ahead of us. it's like seeing one month into the milestone future.
Kathryn, I loved this post. You're giving Quinn such a rich life already. And I loved the classical music behind the video... he's getting exposed to so many great sights and sounds and life principles already. You're a great teacher and he'll flourish in all of the love.
What a sweet post.
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