Mar 26, 2011

And all of a sudden, it appears as if he'll be starting kindergarten next week.

Milestone: We left him with a 17 year old babysitter last night. (this being said, a 17 year old who is the eldest of 6 children & probably more capable than I). Considering I've basically only left him with my parents & my closest of friends (with one exception that didn't work out so well), this is big. I'm picky, picky, picky. What's new. 

2nd Milestone: We were unreachable while away from him (at the temple) for the first time, ever. I did not like this feeling, I did not like this feeling, I did not like this feeling.

3rd Milestone: Eating an entire (miniature) bowl of oatmeal. He much prefers this over rice cereal. Our child eats! Amazing.


erin said...

being out of touch while child is with a babysitter is like working without a net--i feel you. but q was totally fine, right?

we need to take style tips from q.

Jan said...

I love his little sweater, and I'm impressed by his discriminating tastes already. Way to go Q!

Ylrac said...

his shoes are wonderful

Meg said...

The jeans make him look like such a little BOY!

Mike said...

Stylish cardigan. Check. Skinny Jeans. Check. Puke-and-rally party skills. Check. Bring on frat life.