Mar 2, 2011


Friend Erin gifted these shoes to Quinn when he was still in the womb (& friend Jill the onesie - every time I look at Q I get to remember how loved we have been!). They look like the sneakers that the kids up in Harlem wear (I know this because I used to be in Harlem every single day on my way to work, & the kids were on their way to school), although if they had gold patent leather accents with flourescent orange laces & hot pink soles than maybe they'd be even more authentic. Either way, seeing Q wearing sneakers just about makes me burst into tears. This is normal, right? Because he looks like a boy that any minute will be running out the door & hailing a cab.

(Other things that make me almost cry - seeing Q in his umbrella stroller. I can't do it yet - to have him facing the other way. I'm just not ready for it, so the Bugaboo is coming with us all the way to Breckenridge today.)

We leave in a few hours. I'm busy getting packed (relatively - clearly), Mike is attending a funeral in the middle of a crazy day with work, Q is stuffy, I've felt pregnant (no.) or flu-ish for the past 24 hours (but seriously - how do people who have queasy pregnancies have more than one child??), & I'm fairly certain that I just broke my pinky toe, so it should be a ton of fun getting out the door & across the country. Wish us luck.

(But really!! I'm so excited to see my family, for fresh air, a condo right on the mountain, & for snow that isn't brown!)  


Jeanne said...

Quinn looks ready for a great Colorado trip! Have fun!

erin said...

q rocks those kicks. if i find some neon laces in his size, i'll send them along. i just swapped out fox's gray laces for electric yellow. it was the best decision of my february. and i'm still kind of wondering if it'd be socially acceptable to buy a pair of wild nike's for myself.

have fun, be safe, get better, and call me.

Erin said...

So cute. I so distinctly remember feeling this exact way with Carson. And now here he is turning four. I hate how it goes so fast.

Have fun in CO. A ski trip sounds nice.

Lindsey said...

i love it - snow that isn't brown.

Have so much fun!

Jill said...

i love those. and q looks like such a big boy!

don't worry, you are normal. it took me FOREVER to finally turn wyatt's seat around in the Bee. it was a sad sad day.

Missy said...

Yes, having them face the other way is hard. I remember that too.

His leggings and tummy and cheeks - the whole combination is so adorable.

Bonnie said...

Kathryn you are so talented at catching awesome moments, and faces. Your little man is so stinking cute, and I love reading your blogs. :)

Tara said...

I love how he's looking at his shoes like he's wondering what in the world those things are! So cute! Have fun!