Mar 11, 2011

From our Thursday.

Quinn stayed in his PJ's until, oh, 2pm or so yesterday. Sorry, buddy. That's what happens when it's dark & grey & pouring rain. 

Really though - I feel like everything will be okay in the world when I see this face. Like, he makes me want to pull my act together & be better. And it's just really true that happiness is contagious, because how could I possibly be in a bad mood when he is this happy? The more I think about it, the more we should be like babies. If our basic needs are being met, everything else will be okay (even if okay happens eventually). 

He figured out how to stick his tongue out the other day & then just couldn't stop. It's hilarious, of course. He blows raspberries constantly. He laughs & laughs, & we laugh too. He's obviously pleased with himself. The Puj tub is just about too small & he's trying to squirm out of it each night during bath time. Our FlexiTub just arrived, & with a small + foldable bath sling (that was $6), it makes for a great bath option for our limited space. I searched & searched for a good option, & the Cribsie Awards proved to be a great resource. I find great pleasure in giving a big I told you so! to all the people who tried to tell me that it was impossible to escape big / bulky / ugly baby things that don't suit our taste (or work in our NYC apartment).  

We're still thinking about starting solids, but aren't quite there. I'm an advocate of waiting as long as possible (for a number of reasons) so we'll see. In the meantime, his high chair is still sitting in the box in our living room (ugh), but he is happy & content with the liquid gold he's getting each day.

He's taking marathon naps these days, too - & trying to drop his third, which means those last few hours of the day are a little touch & go sometimes. Yesterday, we coped by getting out & getting frozen yogurt with friend Julie. It helped, even though a scary old lady kept touching Quinn's face (strangers should not touch the faces of babies they do not know). Other days, we'll go for walks & run errands, anything to keep him distracted from the fact that he's deliriously tired but absolutely won't nap. It's fine - but I'll be happy when he's down to two naps & I feel like I can get out a little bit more & for longer than an hour.

I have lots of pregnant friends now now (always in spurts, I think) & every time I learn of another I just want to burst with happiness. Pregnancy is a trip (I'd love to skip the first 20 weeks next time), mothering is sometimes complicated & the whole experience is a little intense on so many levels, but oh my gosh it's all just a beautiful thing.

Oh. He's still practicing sitting, although if I leave him alone for too long, he gets tired, doesn't know how to get down & then gets a little sad. The cutest (um, blurriest?) face I've ever seen.


noelle said...

it makes my insides curdle when strangers touch my babies' faces. it's especially bad here in mexico where latinos don't understand the phrase "personal space." one day while m and i were at the market, a lady came up to us, PICKED UP makenna and then started squeezing her cheeks and making kissy faces in my daughter's face. "oh preciosa! un besito!" i can't even properly explain to you how horrified i was or how every hair of my body stood on end. but i'm sure you can imagine. i snatched her back and ran as far and as fast away as i could. vomit.

on a happier note, i can't wait to meet q! he is the most beautiful baby. and i guess that old lady just wanted to remember what new baby skin felt like. it might have been a while. we are very blessed. motherhood is a sweet privilege.

Jeanne said...

Love your post today, Kathryn. I'm teaching the Young Women about the importance of smiling - this will be a great lead-in. Babies bring out the best smiles in us. Quinn is at such a delightful stage. He spreads delight everywhere he goes!

Meg said...

That smile is contagious. His little face makes me happy every time I see it!

Lindsey said...

petit bateau? some of my kids face stuff is from there. :)

can't believe he's old enough to start solids! he's just adorable.