First: Let's talk about how Mike & I were supposed to be out for a rare night with friends right this very second, but instead, I just took off my not-breastfeeding-appropriate blouse & changed into a Vampire Weekend tshirt & sweats. Our babysitter didn't show up (we called to confirm that he did in fact not get hit by a bus - nope, just forgot), so we're home watching basketball instead. My home town team vs. my alma mater. Mike is not-so-secretly just fine with this, but I'm sort of bummed. We had a sleeping baby, I was wearing lipgloss & shoes that aren't comfortable walking long distances in, & ready for a night out of our apartment. Oh well. The game is on & sushi is ordered. We have Monday night plans that include a more reliable babysitter in the form of friend Suzi.
This week has been big for Q. He's THISCLOSE to sleeping 12 hours straight. It has marked the end of swaddling for Quinn (sad face), & the beginnings of solid food (bigger sad face). I found myself feeling melancholy much of the day, I think because in the deepest overly hormonal caverns of my brain, this represents so many things, amongst them independence. My baby has spent the last six months surviving off of me & all of a sudden I feel like he'll be asking a girl to prom next week. I just deleted an entire paragraph detailing my fears as a mother (including the inevitability of my son being exposed to all of the evils of this big + bad world), all of which are somehow (loosely?) represented in him taking his first bites of food. I'll save those for my husband, but seriously - the anxiety! It's fair to say that, as I've said a thousand times, these past 6 months have gone zoom.
The top photo. His last as a little baby!
And his high chair - it totally turns his eyes bright (!) green.
Oh. And about the actual eating part. We'll call it mildly successful, with most of it on his bib than down his throat. We're moving slowly with this. Better luck tomorrow.

This bib will be your best friend. I'm not even kidding you. I finally found it for my third child. The best!|1287991011&searchSize=30&searchPage=1&searchNodeID=1038576|1287991011&searchBinNameList=subjectbin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&frombrowse=0
I love first eating photos because they look so so tiny in the high chair and before you know it, those straps look tiny compared to their toddler bodies.
Love the second one of him grabbing at you, trying to figure out what is in your hand:)
i so know the feeling like life is zooming by... izzy is 5 in may! i keep thinking that less than 1/4 of her life that she'll be living with us (assuming she leaves for college. :). What?!
oh, but Q looks so happy and cute in the highchair. love the green. and you're right - beautiful green eyes too!
this is a fun age, k!
oh his eyes are heavenly. solids just solidify (get it) the fact that he's growing up. sniff.
so maybe it's the high chair, but all of a sudden he has more hair, looks bigger, and just seems more alive in these pictures.
And I'm sure when you picked the color of the chair it had nothing to do with the fact that it would provide for an amazing backdrop :)
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