Mar 24, 2011


We have really good light in our bedroom, & Quinn is a good excuse for me to practice, practice, practice - & also to figure out how to take decent video (I'm still working on the decent part).

Oh - & he's obviously obsessed with his toes lately. Who needs toys when you have toes?

I want his skin.

Q wanted to say hello.


erin said...

after the video, fox: "he like indie. they like twins."

Lindsey said...

he is absolutely gorgeous. you are amazing with that camera and the video... what a perfect age.

Jill said...

Quinn has a new admirer, Jane LOVES his videos. She says 'happy baby' when she wants to watch him. :)

[eeny] said...

oh my, so cute.
i have a picture of me as a baby in the same possition like quinn the third picture - lying in my parents bed and playing with my toes.
Great shots by the way.

Missy said...

Oh goodness, babies are really the best. It makes me always want to have one in my home. the quick movements, lovable bodies, coos. He is darling.

(are you floral pillows and mike stripe?)

Jeanne said...


k. said...

M, yup! Don't ask me how I have a child with Mike yet think that we should have our "own" pillows. :)

(We have two sets of sheets - floral & striped - but we mix them up together all the time..)

Whitney said...

I just screamed with excitement, love these photos! So beautiful.