Mar 8, 2011

My firstborn.

If I had the ability to turn the camera around & push the shutter myself, I'd hope to take these same photos of us. I'm so happy that Sara understood what I was looking for. Just sweet & simple moments with my son in our home. 5 1/2 months old.


Ryan said...

These photos are simply perfection. Honestly! And your 365 days of Quinn is one of my favorites.

Kera said...

i love all of them. the top one is my fav.

Lindsey said...

these are beautiful. i love them!

Jill said...

All so perfect, you are both beautiful, and these will be treasures forever.

Jill said...

also, I love that Quinn is just in a onesie.

[eeny] said...

Those pictures are darling.

Louise said...

Oh my gosh, Kathryn, these photos are SO beautiful. I feel really moved by them! Love them all, especially the very top and ther very bottom ones!

Heidi said...

Amazingly beautiful! I already said this on Facebook but they literally look like they are out of an editorial

Jill said...

Love them all.

Julie said...

These are absolutely beautiful! I love simple pictures. I think I'll go scroll through them again.

noelle said...

jeal. as in sooo jealous. i want some just like these of me and my lastborn. you look beautiful... a wee babe with her wee babe. :)

Melissa said...

Beautiful photos Kathryn!

Jennifer said...

These are perfection. I love that Donkey made an appearance.

Unknown said...

Hey Kathryn, those pictures came out so beautiful, congratulations on the beginnings of your gorgeous family :)

mb said...

so, so sweet

Missy said...

beautiful! love the second one best.

Lauren said...

These pictures are so adorable. You guys have a beautiful family!

Morgan said...

Beautiful. Not just the pictures, but the moments captured and the special bond shared by you and your son. I'm sure that you will treasure these forever, and I bet that someday he will too.

erin said...

These made my nose sting and my eyes a little watery. You look so pretty. This is the way motherhood should be. And have I ever mentioned that I think q has a perfect little head? He does.