(Little Friend Will wanted to spell out Q's name today. One Q, one U, one I & two N's!!)
6 months old || 15 pounds 9 ounces || 26 inches tall
6 months old || 15 pounds 9 ounces || 26 inches tall
At least they gave him cute camo bandaids for his shots, right? That didn't seem to really help though. He was a sad boy. I suspect that shots are never fun.
His chub is deceiving (his weight puts him at about the 22nd percentile), but at least he's consistent! Besides, Hudson girls just make little babies. My mom's babies were small & my sisters have had small babies, & Hudson girls are known for having somewhat dominant personalities, so it's no surprise that my genetics were passed down to this green eyed boy. I'm sure he'll be a great soccer player someday, but football may not be in his future.
In the meantime, he loves to cuddle, chew on my nose, play with his small friends & wiggle & kick. He prefers standing up & sitting up (with a little bit of help with both) instead of laying down. He goes to sleep easily, naps well & is almost sleeping 12 hours straight a night. He wakes up giggling & dancing, & is still a good eater, although I'm no longer allowed to talk on the phone while nursing, lest I get an Excuse me?? look from Quinn mid-conversation. We're working on weaning him from a swaddle (just from the chest down now), & probably haven't made it all the way simply because I just can't believe my little baby doesn't need to be all wrapped up like a burrito any more. He sleeps with his arms stretched out wide & hasn't looked back.
He's gotten good use out of all of his clothes & is still fitting nicely into everything in his 3-6 month collection. He's turned into a happy traveler. When I carry him in the Ergo, he likes to hold my hand. I just bought him his first swimsuit, he had his passport photos taken this week, & he's already a New York City bus & subway veteran. He's started to form opinions about people & isn't afraid to show them as we run around. He smiles & laughs at our favorite doorman Nino & loves pretty girls best, but gives blank stares or cries with people he doesn't know or like (e.g. a woman at the Denver airport got a teensy bit too close while saying how cute he was, & he burst into big + fat alligator tears).
I think he looks a lot like Mike. And me. At the exact time, which kind of blows my mind. His eyes sparkle when he laughs (his dad), & he has a half-dozen dimples (his mom) that I hope never go away.
Six months is so fun. We love him.
Cole had his 5 year old (+ kindergarten) physical yesterday, and yes- even 5 years later shots are so sad. Luckily we're done until middleschool now. Poor sad Quinn.
He sounds like such a good, fun baby. I hope he always wants to hold your hand- that's my favorite right now.
good luck getting rid os the burrito swaddle. we waited a little too long with Turner and we slowly dropped it at about 14-15 months...... he was a huge burrito!
we'll celebrate your six month birthday with a taste of a sprinkles cupcake (maybe, k?).
Um, where is donkey? You're not replacing him with the Monster (as Parker used to call the Whoozit) are you?
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