Apr 2, 2011

At Erin's house.

Quinn met his very first dog this week. Gunther. Initially - scared. Especially when he said hello (friendly-barked). Now - he's fine! They're friends. And Gunther is smart & knows not to climb on his blanket (despite the fact that he has a history of poor boundaries). 

Q has been a easy traveler, an excellent sleeper (records have been broken!), a good eater, a nice friend to Indie & Fox, & an all around very wonderful & happy little boy (except when he's in the car seat - but I can't blame him because he's a city boy, after all).

We've spent a good amount of time at home hanging out, playing with the littles, & never running out of things to talk about. We've eaten excellent food (sushi + cupcakes + a dinner so good that we ate it twice), made two trips to Nordstrom & the meca that is North Park Center, & spent some nice time at the park in the sun. With three kids under three! The back seat of Erin's car has resembled a circus or a zoo, but we've totally done it. And remained friends! I'm probably thoroughly sleep deprived thanks to staying up way too late & waking up early + never taking naps, but that's totally acceptable for a few days.

I'm a fan of Dallas! It's been my first experience with Texas, & I get why people like it. We're promising to come back often.

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