Hot / talented / intelligent wife? Check. Homemade salted caramel and chocolate ganache cake? Check. Abnormally attractive offspring whose physical appearance will earn him above average wages throughout the course of his life? Check. Years 1-30 completed with resounding success.

(Post Edit from Kathryn: Since when did Mike do his own birthday post?! Happy 30th Birthday, love. I love you + us & our life. We had a fun day, right? My favorite part was watching you & Quinn just hanging out on the couch after church. He adores you, & we're both lucky that you love us. And - Glad you liked the cake, because that was complicated enough that there's no way I'm making it again until next year! xoxo!)
the cake turned out perfectly, k. i knew you had it in you.
mike, you know your wife loves you when she is willing to spend hours upon hours constructing the most amazing birthday cake anyone could ever have. happy birthday to you!
Good job Kathryn! If it's not completely gone, cut me a tiny slice and freeze it so I can try it when I come for my visit next month! What a perfectly wonderful picture of the three of you! And, so as not to waste any opportunity - Happy Birthday again Mike!
Ha Mike is funny.
That cake sounds AMAZING
Point me to that cake recipe! Oh, and happy birthday, Mike!
i love those pictures of your family. so perfect. and that cake looks delicious!
happy belated birthday mike.
that cake sounds amazing.
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