Apr 12, 2011


Just a few days shy of seven months old (!!). Today was mostly a no pants kind of day. I blame the vicious wrath of teething. 

I haven't really ever known how tall I am (Oh, maybe 5'5"??). I was at the pediatrician today when I noticed that their scale also had a height measuring stick (the official name for the device, I'm sure). I asked the nurse to measure me, & go figure - 5"3 1/2 inch.


As Mike said on the phone tonight - now we know where Quinn gets it. He's hitting the charts at about the 18th percentile (a whopping 16 pounds 4 ounces). Sorry, Q. Maybe your good looks will make up for your small stature. 


Kera said...

5'3? Really? i thought you were much taller than me.

erin said...

i was gonna call your bluff on that 5' 5". i'm taller than you, and i'm 5' 3.75".

Meg said...

I've said I was 5'5" since high school, and then got measured last year at work "just for kicks" and discovered, woohoo, I'm actually 5'6". This still makes me the shortest woman in my family by 3 inches though.