Isn't the sun just pretty? It was the prettiest day. Just look at Fox's face. Pure bliss from the boy, at least until his mama told him that he couldn't have any ice cream, & then it kind of hit the fan just for a little bit. And speaking of which - Poor Quinn. Erin caught the sequence of events on camera. He'd just eaten some lunch & was happy as could be, until the harsh (& apparently painful) reality hit that what came in was ready to make it's exit (along with the oatmeal cereal + fruits & veggies he's been eating lately). Clearly, he just wasn't very happy about it at all - nor would I be if my poo resembled a golf ball made out of dried out play doh. Ouch.
(This situation hasn't entirely improved. He had prunes for dinner tonight. Sigh.)
See how Q is grabbing Erin's chin? That's his new thing. He grabs faces, chins, cheeks, lips, anything that he can get his hands on. It's mostly endearing, sometimes painful.
Oh. And did I mention that one day in Texas, Quinn threw up directly into my mouth? I must really love my son, because he did, & I didn't even say a bad word. It was the perfectly imperfect sequence of events (that involved him being up in the air, above my head), & I ended up with several hours old + regurgitated breastmilk into my very own mouth. I sputtered, dry heaved, rinsed my mouth out with water, & went along with my day. C'est la vie.

that last shot is just so sad. the shrieking! horrible!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry about that scenario (the vomit...) but that gets filed under "you know you're a mom when...."
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