Apr 25, 2011

Our Easter was happy.

I spoke in church yesterday. When they asked me to, I asked what the topic was & was told, Oh you know, whatever. Easter. Okay. So. The Atonement. The Ressurection. Jesus Christ. No big deal. Just the little things, right?


So I spent the last two weeks studying, & as nervous as I get to speak, I'm really happy that I got to (even if it was good enough that Glenn Beck slept through through its entirety - Mike says that he was "pondering"). I'm glad that it's over, but I'm also grateful for the encouragement to study such amazing topics in earnest for a few weeks, while at the same time observing the quiet arrival of spring. I like what Elder Ballard said - that spring "brings a renewal of light & life - reminding us through the cycle of season, of the life, sacrifice & Resurrection of our Lord & Redeemer, Jesus Christ, for 'all things bear record of [Him]'" (Moses 6:63). 

We had a really lovely Easter. The sun came out! Church was nice, friends were nice (I'm so very grateful for the good people who have offered to help me & my broken little bones), we made a yummy dinner at Suzi's & she sent me home with the first Easter basket that I've had in probably 20 years. These tulips? They're from her too, the other day. For my toes. See - nice friends.

(Quinn was a little grumpy in our family Easter photos [thank you, Kylie] - you know, sleep deprived thanks to church, not to mention the fact that we made him wear a blazer.)


Heidi said...

What a great little blazer on Quinn!

Kera said...

your boot is awesome! i like your dress too. :)

Jeanne said...

Beautiful spring pictures! Sounds like your talk went great. I hope those toes are feeling better and better.

Tara Edwards said...

I think your shoe is kind of cute! Not too orthopedic looking :)

Meg said...

Love the little blazer. Happy Easter!