Apr 21, 2011

Seven months.

He's starting to do this thing where his tongue hangs out of his mouth every time he smiles. It's funny! He has a swirly cowlick in the back of his head like my brother Patrick has, & it's starting to get a little bit crazy. I'm pretty sure I'm opposed to hair product on little boys, so we'll just be okay with bed head for the time being. Sometimes, he looks blonde. Other times, we say his hair is getting so dark (like his lashes). At seven months, he's more expressive with his emotions (in both extremes), has a few teeth threatening to poke through any day now (sooner rather than later, I hope), is eating lots of pureed fruits & veggies in addition to nursing & is a mostly-good sleeper. He's still sort of a shrimp (this outfit is 2-4 months!), but it means that we've gotten great use out of his clothes & I can still happily carry him around in the Ergo. I'll take it. He's sitting up on his own occasionally-but-not-always, prefers to stand up (with help) most, & still isn't a huge fan of tummy time. He has stopped doing the Happy Dance as often & has moved on to the Head Bob. He's still like a cartoon character with big huge smiles & big huge eyes (everyone says his eyes make him look like all the Hudson babies, & his mouth is more Whiting). He does this head wiggle to strangers everywhere we go with a big giant smile, which is most often a good thing, but sometimes it encourages people to talk to me when I'd just rather not (like with strange men on airplanes). When we get him in the mornings, he's happy & cuddling with Donkey. 

I had a dream last night that I was at Central Park with him as a toddler. It's going to be there before we know it, because these past seven months - zoom! 


Jill said...

quinn is precious.

Kera said...

love you Q man.

erin said...

maybe the tongue is just trying to soothe those tender gummies. at any rate, it's adorable.

noelle said...

what's the deal with your pillows? i'm in love with them. tell me how i can go about owning these.

noelle said...

p.s. quinn is the most darling. the most.

Lizzie said...

I have both of those pillows :) Great taste! Quinn is such a darling, I'm loving your photos. Let's get together soon?

