Jun 7, 2011

Q goes to Coney Island.

We went to Coney Island Memorial Day Weekend with Tim & Amy (+ Eli), & then hopped on a plane the next day & headed to the Caribbean. So! The details are a little fuzzy, but I know this: We had a happy time, we really love the Cannons, & people should strive to wear swimsuits that not only flatter but also fit their bodies. Coney Island is full of way-way-too-small swimsuits & other fashion atrocities that are still burned into my brain, kind of like the shirtless man that was approximately 117 year old that I saw twice today walking around the Upper West Side. His man boobs looked as if he had nursed two dozen children. Let's all visualize together now! Ew. 

Anyway. Coney Island! 

We ate hot dogs (Nathan's - I had two!), Quinn decided that he was too much of a big kid to nap (even in the fancy new Bjorn we just bought - facing out is just too much fun), I almost had a serious case of indecent exposure trying to feed him on the boardwalk thanks to a nice snappy wind on shore (trying to use a nursing cover + a really windy day = scary), & Tim & Mike decided that going on the Sling Shot was a good idea for two relatively new fathers. I decided that I'm happy that we have life insurance.

I did not eat a funnel cake, & this continues to make me just a little bit sad. Who doesn't love fried dough with powdered sugar on top?

Oh. And Quinn is miniature next to cute Eli. They had the same due date (Q was 10 days early, with Eli showing up 6 days later), but clearly they won't be on the same championship basketball team unless Q is the water boy, or that poor kid who has to take down all of the stats. 

Also! All of our blowy hair photos are doing a pretty fabulous job showcasing my undergrowth. I'm certain I could have contributed to a wig or two had I collected all of the hair that has fallen off of my head in the past 8 months, because seriously - I have an entirely new layer of hair under my top layer that is conveniently one & a half inches long. Amazing! And so, so very gross. I'm like a chia pet. Hooray for babies!

(Don't mind Q crying in the background. Like I said, he didn't nap ALLDAYLONG.)


Kelsey said...

These are too much fun! Cute baby boys and confirmation that summer is really here. For what it's worth, the last time I was at Coney Island a homeless woman with a patchy chin beard (no joke) asked me for a cigarette. What a place!

Jill said...

The photos are so perfectly Coney and I'm loving the lil'boys together. I hear you on the post-partum hair issues, I try to think only of the happy baby list and not that other kind-of-long list.

Jan said...

Why would anyone ever go on the Sling Shot? It looks absolutely terrifying and makes me think of bleeding brains! Couldn't do it - even for a million dollars. The boys looked so cute together -friends from before they were born - how fun!!

Corinne said...

What?! You were on the UWS and didn't tell me? Shame on you.

Kera said...

such a summery post! i loved it.

erin said...

coney island is so fun/creepy. and the absolute perfect place for pictures--these are all so, so amazing. love them. especially mike and tim daintily kicking up their heels.

Whitney said...

The boys are completely insane for doing that ride!

Coney Island is bound for a fun filled/ slightly creepy/ scary day. Such cute baby boys!

Oh and don't you just love the new hair growth? I now look like I have a short bob underneath my long hair. Just lovely.