My mom requested a photo of Q's tooth. I'm a week late, but look! It's really sharp. Makes me nervous, especially around his lunch time. Eek.
We cancelled our flight back to New York that was supposed to be tonight & are staying in Houston until the end of the week. So much to do!
Congratulations on having the most beautiful baby boy in the world, seriously. He is too much. Who thought that a new tooth could make someone so happy! Way to deliver on Grandma's request.
Thank you !- Kelsey is right - Happy and handsome with his new addition. xoxox
d'oh! I suppose house and car shopping in a single weekend may have been pretty ambitious — at least it will be cooler today and tomorrow! happy hunting!
He is so, so cute. How is the house hunt going? success?
This is the happiest face ever!! Hope you're also having happy faces with all of the Texas stuff. :)
So cute! Patrick got his first tooth this week too, I love their little toothy grins :) Enjoy Texas!
I want to hear the update too (house and car!) but really, that second picture is the only update actually necessary. Cute boy (eyes, lashes, dimple, TOOTH)
I'm dying for more updates! House? Car? Life? Thoughts?
Q is gorgeous - best photos.
oh my goodness he is so big!
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