Aug 24, 2011



Unknown said...

Looks beautiful Kathryn! So exciting and scary I am sure!

Louise said...

Love these - I had to smile at the palatial size of your 'starter home' - only in Texas, right?! (it looks so beautiful). I cannot wait to hear more about your adventures and impressions - I really hope everything is going smoothly for you all.

Jill said...

Oh I love these snapshots. Little glimpses into your new TX pad & so many firsts. Can't wait to see/hear more. xo

erin said...

these are fun. you're making an instagram wall/book/something or other, right? you need to.

Corinne said...

Wow. Blogging already? Count me impressed. Looks beautiful. Great light, perfect for pics...

ellen said...

Very cool (the snapshots, not the weather in Texas).

Melissa said...

Beautiful home Kathryn! Congrats!

Whitney said...

I am so happy for you three. Your new home looks just plain beautiful! I dream of living in a house one day for longer than a year.

And the dust buster... it's pure genius! How have I never thought of this before? I drag my giant vacuum out to my garage weekly. Going to Target this week to pick one up!

emily said...

Welcome to the great state of Texas! Your house looks so pretty. Are you having culture shock when you go to Target and nice people ask if they can help you find something? It took me like a year to get used to that. Hope you're loving your new home.

PS, Madelyn started kindergarten this week and after they say the Pledge of Allegiance, they say the Texas Pledge of Allegiance. Seriously.

Jennifer Brailsford said...

Your home looks amazing. So much fun to decorate from scratch, I am sure.

Missy said...

Am I missing your instagram updates? I have not seen all of these...but I loved this post. Q with his front door in the background will be one you can always retake and see how he changes...

Jill said...

How did I miss this post? Loved all the pics.

Jennifer said...

How goes it? And wow, I clearly need a new VW--yours has way cooler bells and whistles than mine.

I LOVE Q's look in the Target pic.